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It had been alleged, he wrote, that the witch's flesh, when pricked, emitted no blood, but a thin watery matter. "Mr. Chauncy, it is like, expected that Jane Wenham's Blood shou'd have been as rich and as florid as that of Anne Thorne's, or of any other Virgin of about 16. He makes no difference, I see, between the Beef and Mutton Regimen, and that of Turnips and Water-gruel."

The Reverend Chauncy Fairweather was too much taken up with his own bodily and spiritual condition to be deeply mindful of others.

By the Author of The Impossibility of Witchcraft, 1712. In the Bodleian. Jane Wenham. Broadside. The writer of this leaflet claims to have transcribed his account from an account in "Judge Chancy's own hand". Chauncy was the justice of the peace who with Bragge stood behind the prosecution. It is very hard to straighten out the authorship of these various pamphlets. The Rev. Mr.

The difficulty about a cricket-ball that has been thrown with a scientific "twist" is, that it suddenly changes it course when it is close to its target and comes straight for the mark when apparently it was going overhead or to one side. I should not be able to protect myself from such balls for half-an-hour, or less. Mr. Chauncy once saw "a little native man" throw a cricket-ball 119 yards.

A Course of Lectures on the Nature and Ends of History. Address on War. Death of Edward Bliss Emerson. Death of Charles Chauncy Emerson. Section 3. Publication of "Nature." Outline of this Essay. Its Reception. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society Section 1. Divinity School Address. Correspondence. Lectures on Human Life. Letters to James Freeman Clarke.

Chauncy there and the captain, and with them two or three rather rough-looking men, in shaggy coats, examining their trunks by the light of lanterns which they held in their hands. The examination was very slight.

Chauncy speaks highly of the patience and skill and alert intelligence of the native huntsman when he is stalking the emu, the kangaroo, and other game: "As he walks through the bush his step is light, elastic, and noiseless; every track on the earth catches his keen eye; a leaf, or fragment of a stick turned, or a blade of grass recently bent by the tread of one of the lower animals, instantly arrests his attention; in fact, nothing escapes his quick and powerful sight on the ground, in the trees, or in the distance, which may supply him with a meal or warn him of danger.

Such was the present state of mind of the Reverend Chauncy Fairweather, when his clerical brother called upon him to talk over the questions to which old Sophy had called his attention. For the last few months, while all these various matters were going on in Rockland, the Reverend Chauncy Fairweather had been busy with the records of ancient councils and the writings of the early fathers.

A Course of Lectures on the Nature and Ends of History. Address on War. Death of Edward Bliss Emerson. Death of Charles Chauncy Emerson. Section 3. Publication of "Nature." Outline of this Essay. Its Reception. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Section 1. In the year 1833 Mr. Emerson visited Europe for the first time.

This was what the captain meant by saying, that, if the children went on shore with Mr. Chauncy, they would go in the night; for he then expected to get to his anchoring ground so that the boat for the mails would come off to the ship at about half past twelve.