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My man had visited the Indian on several occasions during the previous winter, and told me that he usually halted at a Chantier, on the way to his lodge. We arrived late in the evening at the locality in question, and finding a quantity of timber collected on the ice, concluded that the shanty must be close at hand.

Pots slung in the smoke and blaze were bubbling merrily, under presidence of a red night-capped French Canadian, who acted as cook, and was as civil, after the manner of his race, as if the new arrivals were expected guests. 'Ah, bon-jour, Messieurs; vous êtes les bienvenus. Oui, monsieur sans doute ce sont des gens de chantier.

Mais il y a des masses dont la composition est plutôt par fibres que par feuillets, et dont le moëllon ressemble aux copeaux de bois d'un chantier. Le plus souvent aussi les feuillets sont situés en toute suite de sens dans une même montagne, et quelquefois même verticalement, Enfin il s'en trouve de si tortillés, qu'il est impossible de les regarder comme des dépôts de l'eau.

Woe to those he has reason to complain of, those who have withdrawn from, or not given him, their custom! Sovereign of his quarter up to Thermidor 10, his denunciations are death-warrants. Some of the streets, especially that of Grand Chantier, he "depopulates."

Dey vork in forest, he added, with a wave of his hand plunging into English. 'Nous sommes tous les gens de chantier vat you call hommes de lumbare: mais pour moi, je suis chef de cuisine pour le présent: and a conversation ensued with Argent, in which Arthur made out little more than an occasional word of the Canadian's with ease when it was so Anglican as 'le foreman.