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From an early period the extreme south of the peninsula was divided into three states known as the Pândya, Cera and Cola kingdoms . The first corresponded to the districts of Madura and Tinnevelly. Cera or Kerala lay on the west coast in the modern Travancore. The Cola country included Tanjore, Trichinopoly, Madras, with the greater part of Mysore.

"Mollescit ebur, positoque rigore Subsidit digitis, ceditque ut Hymettia sole Cera remollescit, tractataque pollice multas Flectitur in facies, ipsoque fit utilis usu."

Trahe eneste nauio de auiso q es venido agora aca, gegibre, canela, oro en poluo, vna arroua de conchas riquissimas de oro, y blancas, joyas de oro, cera, y otras cosas para dar muestra delo que en aquella tierra ay, y muchas bugerias, y otras cosas muy galanas. Y aunque no las traxeran, harto trahian en hauer descubierto y hallado la nauegacion por aquestas partes, que es cosa de mucha calidad.

So Caesar, doing for the neighbourhood of the Holy See the same thing that he had done far the Romagna, seized in succession Vicovaro, Cera, Palombera, Lanzano, and Cervetti; when these conquests were achieved, having nothing else to do now that he had brought the pontifical States into subjection from the frontiers of Naples to those of Venice, he returned to Rome to concert with his father as to the means of converting his duchy into a kingdom.

The Provençal biography informs us that Bertran finally became a monk in the Order of Citeaux. The convent where he spent his last years was the abbey of Dalon, near Hautefort. The cartulary mentions his name at various intervals from 1197 to 1202. In 1215 we have the entry "octavo, candela in sepulcro ponitur pro Bernardo de Born: cera tres solidos empta est."

As with the physical being, so it is with the spiritual. There must be appetite, eating, digestion, and assimilation, that the word of God may impart life. Remember, it is the sincere milk of the Word that you need that you may grow thereby. Sincere is from the Latin sincerus, which is derived from sine, meaning without, and cera, meaning wax; honey separated from the wax.

Sine is the Latin for without, and cera means wax; so that our word sincere, taken literally from the Latin, means without wax." "Oh, yes, I see now; but let me tell you, Adelaide, I think that professor of yours is right smart wax." "Why, Grandma! I never heard you say such a thing.

* This is rather a paraphrase, but is justified by what the Scholiast upon Juvenal says; "Nero maleficos homines taeda et papyro et cera supervestiebat, et sic ad ignem admoveri jubebat." Lard. Jewish and Heath. Test. vol. i. p. 359.

On dit aussi que Monsieur le Caporal monte la garde Mercredi: alors ce cera mon tour. Chacun a son tour. En attendant Vive l'amour! et vive la bagatelle! Je suis, Madame, Avec tous les sentimens les plus respectueux et les plus tendres, tout a vous,

So Caesar, doing for the neighbourhood of the Holy See the same thing that he had done far the Romagna, seized in succession Vicovaro, Cera, Palombera, Lanzano, and Cervetti; when these conquests were achieved, having nothing else to do now that he had brought the pontifical States into subjection from the frontiers of Naples to those of Venice, he returned to Rome to concert with his father as to the means of converting his duchy into a kingdom.