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A Nestorian priest, who came from Catay, told me there was an idol in that country so large, that it could be seen at the distance of two days journey . Other idols are placed around the principal one, and all are beautifully gilt; All the gates of their temples open to the south, contrary to the customs of the Mahometans; and they have large bells, as is the case with us, wherefore the oriental Christians will not use them, though they are customary among the Russians and the Greeks in Casaria.

This province of Casaria has the sea on three sides; on the west, where stands Kersova, or the city of St Clement; on the south, where is the city of Soldaia, at which we landed; and on the east, where Matriga is situated at the mouth of the Tanais.

From this circumstance it is obvious, that the journey had been hitherto confined to Casaria, or the Crimea, and that he had now reached the lines or isthmus of Precop. In the English translation of Hakluyt, this word is changed to Capthak, and in the collection of Harris to Capthai; it is probably the Kiptschak of the Russians. Of our Distresses, and of the Comanian funerals.

There are several lofty promontories on the shore of Casaria, between Kersova and the mouth of the Tanais; and there are forty castles between Kersova and Soldaia, at almost each of which a distinct language is spoken; and among these are many Goths who speak the Teutonic language . Beyond these mountains, towards the north, extends a most beautiful wood, in a plain, which is full of springs and rivulets; and beyond this wood is an extensive plain, continuing for five days journey to the northern extremity of this province, where it contracts into a narrow space, having the sea on the east and west, and a great ditch is drawn between these two seas.

Then he began proceedings against them, and in less than a year they were ousted and compelled to abandon every building they had constructed, every piece of machinery they had put in, and all that. Casaria had beaten them, and he turned round and leased his property to another company that pays him well for the privilege of working it.

DOÑA MATILDE. Verdad es que.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Clementina! MARQUESA. Perdona, Matilde; pero es un lance tan gracioso ... ¡ja, ja!... ¡tan inesperado! DOÑA MATILDE. Inesperado no; y acuérdate que siempre te juré que no me casaría sino a gusto mío, y con quien no tuviera nada. MARQUESA. , es cierto ... también yo lo juré, si mal no me acuerdo, y ya ves cómo lo he cumplido ... ¡pobre Matilde!

His residence lies in the way through which the Russians, Walachians, Bulgarians of the lesser Bulgaria, the Soldaians, or Christians of Casaria, the Kerkis, Alanians, and other Christians have to pass in their way with gifts or tribute to the court of his father Baatu-khan; and by this means Sartach is more connected with the Christians than any of the rest, yet when the Saracens or Mahometans bring their gifts, they are sooner dispatched.

We arrived in the province of Gasaria, or Casaria, which is of a triangular form, having a city named Kersova on its western extremity, in which St Clement suffered martyrdom. While sailing past that city, we saw an island containing a church, which is said to have been built by the angels.

From leaving the province of Casaria, we traveled directly eastwards, having the sea of Azoph on our right hand, and a vast desert on the north, which, in some places, is twenty days journey in breadth, without mountain, tree, or even stone; but it is all excellent pasture. In this waste the Comani, called Capchat , used to feed their cattle.

DON PEDRO. ¡ quedarte soltera! ¡Jesús qué desatino! Primero te casaría con un bajá de tres colas, cuanto más que el Sr. D. Eduardo es muy buen partido por todos títulos.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué dice usted? DON PEDRO. De familia muy noble.... DOÑA MATILDE. Eso para es tan indiferente como el que fuera inclusero. Para no. DON PEDRO. Y que será muy rico cuando herede a su tío....