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The next witness after Auspos was Leo Wagner, another poor purchase on the part of the prosecution. He merely testified that a man on the Calista had said that the men were armed and were not going to stand for being beaten up.

The other, while under cover, was struck on the head by a glancing bullet. He became so enraged at this lack of thoughtfulness on the part of his degenerate brothers that he emptied his revolver at their backs as they broke for cover. From a safe position on the dock, deputy H. D. Cooley, with a pair of field glasses, was tremblingly trying to spy for the approach of the Calista.

It was a smack from Boston. "Got any lobsters, boys?" asked the captain, a red-faced, smooth-shaven man of forty. "All sold!" was Jim's reply. "And we've arranged to let the Calista have what we get." "What do you do with your 'shorts'?" "Heave 'em overboard." "Save 'em for me and I'll give you ten cents apiece for 'em." "Nothing doing!"

"Nay, truly," said the first speaker, "our cousin Edith must first learn how this vaunted wight hath conducted himself, and we must reserve the power of giving her ocular proof that he hath failed in his duty. It may be a lesson will do good upon her; for, credit me, Calista, I have sometimes thought she has let this Northern adventurer sit nearer her heart than prudence would sanction."

"The Lord of Gilsland is right," said the Lady Calista, much agitated at the thoughts of the investigation which was to take place; "and besides, if I had presence of mind enough to forge a plausible story, beshrew me if I think I should have the courage to tell it."

If you think that I ought not to act Calista; if you think that I had better not appear on the stage at all, only say so! All I ask is your opinion; the advantage of your judgment. And you see, Mr. Vivian, how difficult it is to obtain it! But his friend, probably, never felt this difficulty!" With a degree of sober composure, which almost provoked Vivian, Mr. Russell answered this animated lady.

Haller is going on very well; it is well spoken of, I am told, and upon the whole it seems to have done me credit, though I am surprised it has, for there is nothing in the part that gives me the least satisfaction. My next character, I hear, is to be of a very different order of frailty Calista, in "The Fair Penitent."

When the morning came Miss Calista lost no time in setting out for Kerrytown, where the money was soon safely deposited in the bank. She heaved a sigh of relief when she left the building. I feel as if I could enjoy life once more, she said to herself. Goodness me, if I'd had to keep that money by me for a week itself, I'd have been a raving lunatic by the end of it.

In the deepening, misty twilight, there was something awful in the spot. It was easy to fancy unquiet spectres lurking in its gloomy shadows, waiting for the night Yet Zelma's heart yearned toward it, and she murmured softly, as she turned away, "Wait for me, love!" The play, on this night, was "The Fair Penitent." In the character of Calista Mrs.

No!" she continued, with a pretty air of mock dignity; "I am the Belvidera, the Calista, of the company; above all control, all husbanding, and reaping thirty-three shillings a week." "But are you above lovers as well as husbands?" asked Percy with a rakish air, borrowed from Saville. "Bless the boy!