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An adventitious bursa forms over the acromion process in porters and others who carry weights on the shoulder, and may be the seat of traumatic bursitis.

However, in general practice a classification on an etiological basis is probably more practical and we shall consider inflammation of bursae and thecae as infectious and noninfectious. Infectious bursitis and thecitis is usually the result of direct introduction of septic material into the synovial structure by means of injuries.

#Infective bursitis# frequently follows abrasions, scratches, and wounds of the skin over the prepatellar or olecranon bursa, and in neglected cases the infection transgresses the wall of the bursa and gives rise to a spreading cellulitis.

Anatomy Normal and adventitious bursæ Injuries: Bursal hæmatoma DISEASES: Infective bursitis; Traumatic or trade bursitis; Bursal hydrops; Solid bursal tumour; Gonorrhœal and suppurative forms of bursitis; Tuberculous and syphilitic disease Tumours Diseases of individual bursæ in the upper and lower extremities. A bursa is a closed sac lined by endothelium and containing synovia.

New growths include the fibroma, the myxoma, the myeloma or giant-celled tumour, and various forms of sarcoma. #Diseases of Individual Bursæ.# The olecranon bursa is frequently the seat of pyogenic infection and of traumatic or trade bursitis, the latter being known as "miner's" or "student's elbow." [Illustration: FIG.

In the lower extremity, a large number of normal and adventitious bursæ are met with and may be the seat of bursitis. That over the tuberosity of the ischium, when enlarged as a trade disease, is known as "weaver's" or "tailor's bottom." It sometimes contains a number of loose bodies.

As these are best illustrated in the different varieties of prepatellar bursitis, it is convenient to take this as the type. In a number of cases the inflammation is acute and the patient is unable to use the limb; the part is hot, swollen, and tender, and fluctuation can be detected in the bursa.

The bursa may be derived from the synovial membrane of the adjacent joint with which its cavity sometimes communicates, or it may be of adventitious origin; when it is the seat of bursitis and becomes distended with fluid, it may mask the underlying exostosis, which then requires a radiogram for its demonstration. [Illustration: FIG.

Repeated blistering is beneficial, although it is doubtful if firing is of sufficient benefit in the average chronic case of intertubercular bursitis to justify the punishment which this form of treatment inflicts, unless infliction of pain is the thing sought, to enforce repose in restless subjects.

Needless to say, the skin must be kept perfectly clean and the dressings free from all irritating substances. The fact that tendons or ligaments which are ruptured, do not regenerate as readily as in cases where traumatic or surgical division occurs, must not be lost sight of, and prognosis is given in accordance. Thecitis and Bursitis in the Fetlock Region. Etiology and Occurrence.