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The accumulation of urates may result in the formation of visible nodular swellings, varying in size from a pea to a cherry, attached to the tendon and moving with it. They may be merely unsightly, or they may interfere with the use of the tendon. Recurrent attacks of inflammation are prone to occur. We have removed such gouty masses with satisfactory results. Suppurative Teno-synovitis.

Where suppuration results, surgical evacuation of pus must be promptly effected else large suppurating cavities form. The employment of setons constitutes a dependable method of treatment of shoulder atrophy, but because of the attendant suppurative process which inevitably results, this method is not popular with modern surgeons and is a last resort procedure. After-care.

In the dry corn we find the horn stained and infiltrated with blood. In the moist corn the hoof may be colored the same as in the former, but in addition there is a space between the vascular and horny tissue that is filled with a serous-like fluid. If this collection of fluid becomes infected with pus organisms and is changed to pus, it is then termed a suppurative corn.

If it is not let out by incision, the pus, travelling along the lines of least resistance, tends to point at several places on the surface, or to open into joints or other cavities. Prognosis. The occurrence of septicæmia is the most serious risk, and it is in cases of diffuse suppurative cellulitis that this form of blood-poisoning assumes its most aggravated forms.

If the bacteria gain the upper hand, this process of liquefaction which is characteristic of suppuration, extends into the surrounding tissues, the protective barrier of leucocytes is broken down, and the suppurative process spreads. A fresh accession of leucocytes, however, forms a new barrier, and eventually the spread is arrested, and the collection of pus so hemmed in constitutes an abscess.

At a later stage, especially in children and in cases in which the throat lesion is severe, an arthritis is sometimes observed that is believed to be a metastasis from the throat; it may be acute and suppurative, affect several joints, and exhibit a septicæmic or pyæmic character.

Hog-cholera usually affects the young hogs in the herd first, while scours, suppurative joint disease and infectious sore mouth are diseases that occur during the first few days or few weeks of the animal's life. Lung and intestinal parasites are more commonly found in the young, growing animals. Old animals are prone to fractures of bones and degenerative changes of the body tissues.

If one does not reflect, one thinks oneself master of everything; when one reflects thereon, one sees that one is master of nothing. Should you wish to change a man's character completely, purge him with diluents every day until you have killed him. Charles XII., in his suppurative fever on the road to Bender, was no longer the same man. One prevailed upon him as upon a child.

On the following day there was pain in the epigastrium, and by the fourth day the pain extended to the vertebrae, with vomiting, delirium, and death on the fifth day. At the autopsy it was found that a foreign body, seven cm. long had perforated the pericardium, causing a suppurative pericarditis.

Vaccines may be had recourse to in those of bacterial origin. Definition Pus Varieties Acute circumscribed abscess Acute suppuration in a wound Acute Suppuration in a mucous membrane Diffuse cellulitis and diffuse suppuration Whitlow Suppurative cellulitis in different situations Chronic suppuration Sinus, Fistula Constitutional manifestations of pyogenic infection Sapræmia Septicæmia Pyæmia.