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Now they were fairly shrewd men, even if they were damned rascals, and one would have thought they possessed sufficient insight to at least be suspicious of the skipper's sudden 'bout-face. But they were not. They were just as convinced as the rest of the stiffs that the afterguard had suddenly become afraid of the foc'sle.

"'Yes, says I, 'that might be: a man could make out to shinny up. But how "'One thing to a time. Then I ordered them dust sacks throwed out, and the driver to 'bout-face and retreat. "'Sure, says I, 'simple as a wart on a kid's nose. There was you with a half ton of gold to fly off with! Come again. "'I then dropped them sacks off the edge of the cliff where they rolled into the brush.

Rear rank 'bout-face!" barked the Risaldar, and there was another clattering and stamping on the stone floor as the panting chargers pranced into the fresh formation, back to back. "The memsahib!" growled Mahommed Khan. "Where is she?" "My son!" said the High Priest. "Bring me my son!" "A life for a life! Thy heavenborn first!" "Nay! Show me my son first!"

Ride him cross-saddle, heavenborn there were no side-saddles in Siroeh! Nay, he is just a little frightened. He will stand he will not throw thee! I did better than I thought, heavenborn. I come with four-and-twenty, making twenty-six with me and Suliman. An escort for a queen! So sit him quietly. Leave the reins free. Suliman will lead him! Ho! Fronnnt! Rank 'bout-face!"