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"We are all glad to be going on service. It is dull work in cantonments." On arriving at the lines of the company, one of them said: "The risaldar said that you will take your cousin's place. He slept in the same hut as I. You will soon find yourself at home with us." He introduced Lisle to the other occupants of the hut, eighteen in number.

At the end of two minutes or more, the Risaldar gave an order of some kind and the half-brother grunted and left the room without another word, closing the door noiselessly behind him. The Risaldar locked it again from the inside and drew the bolt. "We have made another plan, heavenborn!" he announced mysteriously. "Then then you won't hurt this priest?" "Not yet," said the Risaldar.

That meant we were isolated. It needed no staff officer to tell, us that, or to bring us to our senses. We were like men who wake from a nightmare, to find the truth more dreadful than the dream. Colonel Kirby was wounded a little, and sat while a risaldar bound his arm. Ranjoor Singh found a short trench half full of water, and ordered us into it.

"Is he vindictive, then?" wondered Mahommed Gunga. "Is he a mean man? Will he bear malice and get even with me later on? If so " "Present my compliments to Mahommed Gunga-sahib, and ask him to be good enough to " The Risaldar heard the order, and was on his way to the veranda before the servant started to convey the message.

Straight into the temple, two by two, behind the Risaldar, rode two fierce lines of Rajputs, overturning men and women their drawn swords pointing this way and that their dark eyes gleaming. Without a word to any one they rode up to the image, where the priests stood in an astonished herd. "Fron-tt farm!

"Hanuman should have been thy master!" jeered the Risaldar. "So run the bandar-log, the monkey-folk!" But the priest had no time to answer him. He was half frantic with the sickening fear of a father for his only son. He returned ten minutes later, panting, and more scared than ever. "Go, take thy white woman," he exclaimed, "and give me my son back!" "Nay, priest!

But after that little accident the old risaldar had sword-sticks fashioned at a village near the road, and ran no more risks of being killed by the stripling he would teach; and before many more days of the road had ribboned out, young Cunningham bareback or from the saddle could beat him to the ground, and could hold his own on foot afterward with either hand.

"Who's that moving in the shadow down below?" she asked him suddenly. He leaned out beside her and gazed into the shadow. Then he called softly in a tongue she did not know and some one rose up from the shadow and answered him. "Are we spied on, Risaldar?" "Nay. Guarded, heavenborn! That man is my half-brother. May I take the ayah through that doorway?" "Why not question her in here?"

"Yes, sir, but I'm thinking that that perhaps the Risaldar I mean there seem to be Mohammedans at the bottom of this business, as well as Hindus. Perhaps " "Bellairs! Now hear me once and for all. You thank your God that the Risaldar turned up to guard her! Thank God that your father was man enough for Mahommed Khan to love and that you are your father's son! And listen!

Then he examined and tried on the uniform of the dead sepoy; which Robah had, that evening, received from the risaldar. It fitted him fairly well.