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Three of them returned the asses they had stolen, but the other two would not. About noon we loaded all the horses and asses; and I hired two young men to carry forwards two trunks, the load of one of the asses which was stolen. Bangassi is only six miles distant from Mareena. It is a large town, fortified in the same manner as Maniakorro; but is four or five times as large.

Here another of the party died of fever. On the 22d they came to Bangassi, a large fortified town; where the king gave them a bullock and two calabashes of sweet milk, receiving in return a number of presents. Nevertheless, he seemed somewhat suspicious, and questioned Park closely concerning the object of his journey.

I likewise told him that, if any of them should recover, if he would send a proper person forward with them to Bambakoo, I would give him an Indian baft, or ten bars of scarlet, which he preferred. At the same time I wrote the following note to the men. "I am sorry to learn that you have returned to Bangassi.

On parting, he offered Park the protection of his son as far as Sego, whither he intended to proceed in a few days; but Park was too anxious to reach the Niger, to submit to any delay. The health of the soldiers became still worse, one died, and another was left behind at Bangassi. They had not gone far from the town when four men lay down, and declared themselves unable to proceed.

Everyday added to the list of the sick or dead, or of those who declared themselves unable to proceed. Near Bangassi, four men lay down at once. It was even with difficulty that Mr. Park dragged forward his brother-in-law, Mr. Anderson, while he himself felt very sick and faint.

As the sick soldiers before mentioned did not come up before sun-set, I concluded they had all returned to Bangassi; and the Dooty's son coming up on horseback, informed me that they had really returned to his father's house, and wished to know what I meant to do respecting them.

Bought some ripe maize of this year's growth. deg. " Obser. mer. alt. Sun 172 45 0 86 22 0-1/2 0 16 0 86 38 0-1/2 3 22 0 17 3 0 Latitude 13 41 0 The whole route from Bangassi is marked with ruined towns and villages; some of them are rebuilt, but by far the greater number are still in ruins.

The inhabitants of Mareena were resolved to come in for their share; they accordingly stole five of our asses during the night; but felt themselves much disappointed next morning, July 22d, when they understood, that instead of proceeding to Bangassi, we proposed to send forward a messenger to inform the king of the bad treatment we had experienced.

As he was riding on, Park found Mr Scott lying by the side of the path, too sick to walk, and, shortly afterwards, Lieutenant Martyn lay down in the same state. Pushing on to the town of Mareena, Park sent back a party to bring in his sick companions. Hence they proceeded to Bangassi, six miles distant, the capital of the Chief Serenummo.

Overhauled the ass-saddles, and adjusted the loads, proposing to leave this to-morrow morning early. deg. " Observed mer. alt. Sun 168 26 0 1/2 84 13 0 0 16 0 84 29 0 ZD. 5 31 0 D. 19 31 0 Latitude 14 0 0 July 27th. The morning being rainy, we did not depart from Bangassi till about nine o'clock. Left here M'Inelli.