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"No-a!" she shrilled for Miss Coe answered questions with an old-maidish scream, as if the news she was giving must be a great surprise both to you and her. "No-a!" she skirled; "he's no-a in-a. Was it ainything particular?" "No," said Gourlay heavily. "I I just wanted to see him," and he trudged away. Miss Coe looked after him for a moment ere she closed the door.

He's out the now after a carrying affair. Was it ainything perticular?" She looked at Gibson with a speculation in her eyes that almost verged on hostility. Wives of the lower classes who are active helpers in a husband's affairs often direct that look upon strangers who approach him in the way of business.

But the evil was done. Enough had been said to influence Gourlay to the most disastrous resolution of his life. "Get yourself ready for the College in October," he ordered his son that evening. "The College!" cried John aghast. "Yes! Is there ainything in that to gape at?" snapped his father, in sudden irritation at the boy's amaze. "But I don't want to gang!" John whimpered as before.

"God, ay!" he went on; "you're making a nice job of him. He'll be a credit to the house. Oh, it's right, no doubt, that you should neglect your work till he consents to rise." "Eh, the puir la-amb," she protested, dwelling on the vowels in fatuous, maternal love; "the bairn's wearied, man! He's ainything but strong, and the schooling's owre sore on him." "Poor lamb, atweel," said Gourlay.

And, to tell the truth, Janet Gourlay's ainything but pretty!" A brooding and taciturn man, he said nothing till others had their say. Then he shook his head. "They're making a great mistake," he said gravely, "they're making a great mistake! Yon boy's the last youngster on earth who should go to College."

The taunt passed in the anxiety that stormed her. "Tell me, see!" she cried, imperious in stress of appeal. "Oh, what is it, John?" She stretched out her thin, red hands, and clasped them tightly before her. "Is it from Embro? Is there ainything the matter with my boy? Is there ainything the matter with my boy?" The hard eye surveyed her a while in grim contempt of her weakness.

"Winna that be a fine way? When you have Janet and me beside you, you winna be feared o' ainything coming near you. You should gang to bed early, dear. A sleep would restore your mind." "I don't mean to go to bed," he said slowly. He spoke staringly, with the same fixity in his voice and gaze. There was neither rise nor fall in his voice, only a dull level of intensity.

"Ye couldn't expect ainything else from a son of Gourlay," said the Provost. Conversation languished. Some fillip was needed to bring it to an easy flow, and the simultaneous scrape of their feet turning round showed the direction of their thoughts. "A dram would be very acceptable now," murmured Sandy Toddle, rubbing his chin. "Ou, we wouldna be the waur o't," said Tam Wylie.

"Mother, I have a pain in my heid," he would whimper, and she would condole with him and tell him she would keep him at home with her were it not for dread of her husband. She was quite sure he was ainything but strong, poor boy, and that the schooling was bad for him; for it was really remarkable how quickly the pain went if he was allowed to stay at home; why, he got better just directly!

Struthers, gazing down the Fechars Road, as if visioning great things, "it will require a strenuous and devoted application a strenuous and devoted application even from the man of abeelity you have shown yourself to be. Tell me now," he went on, "have ye heard ainything of the new Professor of Exegesis? D'ye know how he's doing?"