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Of course, there are Lares and Penates, with no social position, that the kings of Pseudopolis sometimes take a-voyaging " "Still, the people of other countries do get married."

What awful things lurk at the corners of Life's highway, ready to pounce upon us as we pass! And so you really are going a-voyaging! Well, I won't write again until I hear that you are back from the Islands, and then I hope to have something a little more cheery to talk about. XVI. OAKLEY VILLAS, BIRCHESPOOL, 4th November, 1884. I face my study window as I write, Bertie.

At another time they would not have looked in vain; indeed, in after days Ulf became somewhat famous even among the men of the fjords for the number of whales he brought in. But now his soul was elsewhere. Even the problem of getting back did not trouble him in the least. Yet it was one thing to start out a-voyaging, sure of bringing up somewhere if you only went far enough.

I am not deeply concerned about the minor characters in "Sordello," and have long reconciled myself to the conviction that I must pass through this pilgrimage without hearing Sordello's story told in an intelligible manner. Your letter, however, set me a-voyaging about my bookshelves, taking up a volume of poetry here and there.

Somehow, however, communication, if Sarka the Second had guessed correctly, had been managed between Mars and the Moon; and now that the Earth was a free flying orb the two were in alliance against it, perhaps for the same reason that the Earth had gone a-voyaging.

She was a large, handsome girl of about three-and-twenty. What was her reason for journeying unattended to Cairo we know not. Whether she ever reached her destination we are still in doubt, for a more complacently incapable damsel never went a-voyaging.

I think our Synodical system will make that all right; and as for my work, it will be precisely the same in all respects, my external life altered only to the extent of my wearing a broader brimmed and lower crowned hat. Gambroons and aprons and lawn sleeves won't go a-voyaging, depend upon it.