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For o'er Siogee's ice With brindled wolves all harnessed three and three, High seated on a sledge made in a trice On mount Agiocoohook of hickory. He lashed end reeled, and sung right jollily And once upon a car of flaming fire The dreadful Indian shook with fear, to see The King of Penacook, his Chief, his Sire, Ride flaming up towards heaven, than any mountain higher.

144 C'est que: 'the fact is that'. 14 5 Je sens deux hommes en moi: see Romans vii, Galatians v, 17. One of the distinctive features of the religion of St Paul was its insistence upon an internal conflict between the higher and lower impulses of man.

91 14 vengeance: Tartarin's vengeance is a delightful bit of humor. 91 16 monta encore: 'ascended still higher. 91 21 Mostaganem: a city on the Mediterranean, west of Algiers. 91 25 curé: it is amusing to hear Tartarin apply the title of the respected French parish priest to the rascally muezzin. At home Tartarin would address the priest as monsieur le curé.

89 4 des bruits de verres: 'clinking of glasses. 89 6 qui chantait: 'singing'; cf. note to 55 7. 89 13 tambourins: 'drums. The Provençal and Algerian tambourin is a drum higher than it is wide. Tambour 90 1 = tambourin. Cf. note to 53 15. 89 29 Digo-li ... moun bon! = dis-lui qu'il vienne, mon bon; 'just tell him to come on, old fellow'; a Provençal challenge.