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He took his short black pipe out of his mouth, spat into the burning sods and added: "I wondther if it's as quare t' everybody, Anna?" "Ochane," she replied, "it's quare t' poor craithers who haave naither mate, money nor marbles, nor chalk t' make th' ring." There had been but one job that day a pair of McGuckin's boots.

A wild gust of wind came down the chimney and blew the loose ashes off the hearth. Jamie ensconced himself in his corner a picture of despair. "I wondther if Billy O'Hare's in bed?" he said. "Ye'd need fumigatin' afther smokin' Billy's tobacco, Jamie!" "I'd smoke tobacco scraped out o' the breeches-pocket ov th' oul divil in hell!" he replied.

"Maybe your honour id wish to have a word with Father Murphy?" "Hould your tongue, you misherable bliggard," says the squire; "it's not iv my sowl I'm thinkin' an' I wondther you'd have the impitence to talk to a gintleman consarnin' his sowl; and when I want THAT fixed," says he, slappin' his thigh, "I'll go to them that knows what belongs to the likes," says he.

"Bedad, they're in a bad way, sorr," said Mr McCarthy sympathisingly, coming up and helping Mr Meldrum to lift the man out and place him on the beach, where he had already laid down the corpse that had been in the bows, throwing a bit of the sail over it to hide it for the time from observation. "The poor divil can't spake, sure. I wondther which of them it wor?

All of us seemed, really, to feel as if we had lost somebody or something; and when, presently, the watch was piped down, we all went below with saddened hearts. "Oi wondther now," said Mick, when we were having our supper at our messing-place aft on the lower deck a little later on, "if thet theer vissil wor a raal ship, Tom, or a banshee?"

"Now wan of you men go down there an' see!" No one moved. Every eye was fixed on the pigsty. A long-drawn-out, mournful cry was heard. It was all that tradition had described as the cry of the Banshee. "The Banshee it is! Ah, merciful God, which ov us is t' b' tuk, I wondther?"

Why for should he not live there?" "That's thrue agin, to be shure: but yet, only to think Martin living in ould Sim Lynch's big house! I wondther what ould Sim would say, hisself, av he could only come back and see it!"

"Poor craither," Anna said; "I wondther if she's got aanything besides broth?" Nobody knew. Anna thought she knew a way to find out. "Haave ye aany marbles, dear?" she asked me. "Aye, a wheen." "Wud ye give a wheen to me?" "Aye, are ye goin' t' shoot awhile? If ye are I'll give ye half an' shoot ye fur thim!" I said. "No, I jist want t' borra some." I handed out a handful of marbles.

"Oh, I see now!" I exclaimed, a light suddenly flashing on me as to his meaning. "I must have fainted away and the doctor told you I was in a comatose state, eh?" "An' isn't that, sure, a comet, sor, as I tould ye!" cried the Irishman, triumphantly. "Hullo, here's Peters, the cap'en's stooard dodgin' about the gangway. I wondther what he's afther?"