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When you ax me to pin my faith on any p'int, be it for this world or the next, my first question consarnin' it is whether that particular p'int happens to be pleasant. 'Tis that little small argyment of mine that has confounded Mr. Mullen more than once, when he meets me on equal ground outside the pulpit.

But, I haven't stopped the paddles to talk of my own afflictions and difficulties, but to speak a little plainly to you, gal, consarnin' your own matters." "What can you have to say to me, Deerslayer! Since mother died, few talk to me of such things."

"'Hould your tongue, you misherable bliggard, says the squire; 'it's not iv my sowl I'm thinkin' an' I wondher you'd have the impitence to talk to a gintleman consarnin' his sowl; and when I want that fixed, says he, slappin' his thigh, 'I'll go to them that knows what belongs to the likes, says he.

Haco plunged the "bunch of fives" into his coat-pocket, and sat down again beside his agitated daughter. "I can speak purfessionally," said Dan, "in regard to yer last obsarvation consarnin' blind hosses, and I belave that ye're c'rect.

"Tis wonderful how many consaits mankind have consarnin' happiness and misery, here after!" exclaimed the hunter, borne away by the power of his own thoughts. "Some believe in burnin's and flames, and some think punishment is to eat with the wolves and dogs. Then, ag'in, some fancy heaven to be only the carryin' out of their own 'arthly longin's, while others fancy it all gold and shinin' lights!

"Lord-sakes, though, yer must have heerd tell of him, sir, a young and gallant naval ossifer like yerself, 'specially that yarn consarnin' him and the washerwoman as was going into the dockyard one mornin' when he were a-spyin' round the gates?"

At the northern end of the clearing some lovesick swain surrendered to sentiment and in a whimsical nasal voice began singing: "Come all ye young people, for I'm going for to sing Consarnin' Molly Pringle and her lov-yer, Reuben King." The thin penetrating shriek of a child somewhere in the forest pricked our ears, the clear falsetto of its fright silencing the singer and leaving his mouth agape.

"Fust off I wuz hot agin his consarnin' himself, an' tried ter hold him back, but, lordy me! young blood duz love fightin', an' with all the young fellows possest, an' all the gals admirin', I might ez well a-tried ter hold a young steer. So, says I, 't is the hand of Providence, fer no man kin tell ez what 's ahead of us.

Here the trapper unsheathed his clasp-knife, and having cut a "chunk" from a plug of real "Jeemes's River," stuck it into his cheek, and proceeded with his narration. "I reck'n, I've seed a putty consid'able o' the grizzly bar in my time. Ef them thur chaps who writes about all sorts o' varmint hed seed as much o' the grizzly as I hev, they mout a gin a hul book consarnin' the critter.

"Well now, you ol' fool nigger, you done broke yo' 'lasses pitcher. Whe'fo' you so nimble-come-trimble ter tell little missy 'bout the fambly confab? 'Cause you done hearn Marse Big Josh 'sputin' with Marse Bob Bucknor at the ball consarnin' the Bucks an' Bucknors ain't no reason whe'fo' you gotta be so bigity.