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Come along with you." Saying which he seized Little Jim by the collar, dragged him out into the street, and hurried him along. Presently he released him, but without slackening his pace, and said, "Now, Jim, you an' I shall go and pay another wisit."

"Which it were," said Joe, "that how you might be amongst strangers, and that how you and me having been ever friends, a wisit at such a moment might not prove unacceptabobble. And Biddy, her word were, 'Go to him, without loss of time. That," said Joe, summing up with his judicial air, "were the word of Biddy.

"Well, I'll have a little wisit wid Jim, an' des' see how much he 'fected, an' if dey any stroke to be put in fu' de gospel ahmy, you des' count on me ez a mighty strong wa'ior. Dat boy been layin' heavy on my mind fu' lo, dese many days."

Dat is what all de gentlemen and ladies says dat wisit here, Marm: 'What a lubly beautiful woman Miss Lunn is, dey say, 'dere is so much 'finement in her, and her table is de best in all Meriky. "'What a fool you is, Uncle Sorrow, she say, and den she larf again; and when missus larf den I know she was pleased.

Winymann, the publisher, who sprang to fame by the publication of The War of the Worlds, saw it from his office window, and at once telegraphed to me: "Materials for new book in the air." That was the first hint I received of the wonderful wisit. I lived in those days at 181a Campden Hill Gardens. It is the house opposite the third lamp-post on the right as you walk east.

"Vy, mostly in the streets; my last 'ome was a sugar barrel, the one before was a donkey-cart, but I do sometimes condescend to wisit my parents in their mansion 'ouse in Vitechapel." "And what is your name? Sir Richard may wish to inquire for you perhaps." "May he? Oh! I'm sorry I ain't got my card to leave, but you just tell him, John is it, or Thomas? Ah! Thomas.

It was accordingly ordered to be prepared, and pending its preparation the red-nosed man and Mrs. Weller looked at the elder W. and groaned. 'Well, Sammy, said the gentleman, 'I hope you'll find your spirits rose by this here lively wisit. Wery cheerful and improvin' conwersation, ain't it, Sammy?

Botolph Lane, and as this is your first wisit, why, I'll make you a present of some tea wot do you drink? black or green, or perhaps both four pounds of one and two of t'other. Here, Joe!" summoning his foreman, "put up four pounds of that last lot of black that came in, and two pounds of superior green, and this gentleman will tell you where to leave it.

'Wos you ever called in, inquired Sam, glancing at the driver, after a short silence, and lowering his voice to a mysterious whisper 'wos you ever called in, when you wos 'prentice to a sawbones, to wisit a postboy. 'I don't remember that I ever was, replied Bob Sawyer. 'No, replied Bob Sawyer. 'I don't think I ever did.

Now, Massa, when missus and me went to wisit de president's plantation, I see his cook, Mr Sallust, didn't know nuffin' bout parin' de soup. What you tink he did, Massa? stead ob poundin' de clams in a mortar fust, he jist cut 'em in quarters and puts 'em in dat way. I nebber see such ignorance since I was raised.