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To set for a hour and a half and examine your own self and meditate on your own shortcomin's. How useful and improvin' that would be if used as it ort to be in Jonesville or Chicago! But still the world would call it queer. I leaned up hard on that thought, and wuz carried safe through all the queer sights I see there.

Bad cess to me, but it 'ud be a mortual sin, so it would, to let the poor boy die at all, an' him so far from home. For, as the Catechiz says 'There is but one Faith, one Church, and one Baptism! Well, the readin' that's in that Catechiz is mighty improvin', glory be to God!"

Now then, Squad Tshn!... No, no, I wants it done smarter'n that. Stand at Ease! Now then, try agin: Tshn! No, no, that ain't 'alf smart enough. Try agin. Stand at Ease! Tshn! That's a bit better, it wants a lot o' improvin' though. Now we'll 'ave a bit of a change an' try the turns." We turned to the right, the left, and the right-about. We were all depressed or resentful and thinking of home.

Here Sam broke into a vigorous stream of profanity. "Ay, he's improvin' A doot," said Mack. "Let us be going." "'Ello! It was Mr. Wigglesworth on his way home from the mill. "Why, bless my living lights, if it bean't Samuel. Who's been a beatin' of you, Sammy?" His eye swept the crowd. "'Ave you been at my lad?" he asked, stepping toward the young man, whom Annette named Mack.

The doctor made it very impressive and sort o' improvin'; but Huldy, she told me, goin' home, that she hardly could keep from laughin' two or three times in the sermon when she thought of old Tom a standin' up with the corn-basket on his back.

"That monkey is most interestin', most interestin' an' improvin'; an' 'tisn't often a lad from old Ireland has the chance to get acquaintance of the sort, leave alone that Glory girl, what's took up quarters in me heart an' won't be boosted thence, whatever. The poor little colleen! A-lookin' for one lost old man out of a world full! Bless her innocent soul! Yes. I've a mind to company them a bit.

"But it must be mighty improvin', I think, ketching of thieves, and finding out their thricks and hidin'-places, and the like?" "Yes, yes," said Goggins, "good fun; though I don't do it, I know all about it, and could tell queer things too." "Arrah, maybe you would, sir?" said Larry. "Maybe I will, after we nibble some rashers will you take share?"

"And you're makin' a brave start, I don't deny. But wait till you pick up with a few real habits." "What sort o' habits?" "The sort that come to man first-along in the shape o' duties like church-goin'. Look here, Cap'n, I'll lay a wager with 'ee. . . . Soon as you begin to walk about this town a bit, you'll notice a terrible lot o' things that want improvin' "

Weel, Sandy had been speakin' aboot his fairntickles to Saunders Robb. Saunders, in my opinion, is juist a haiverin' auld ass. He's a hoddel-dochlin', hungert-lookin' wisgan o' a cratur; an', I'm shure, he has a mind to match his body. There's naethin' he disna ken aboot an', the fac' is, he kens naething. He's aye i' the wey o' improvin' ither fowk's wark.

"They's silver to clean; an' brasses to polish, an' I dunno what " continued the butler, "but I'm lettin' 'em all lie 'til by an' by I's improvin' my mind I is!" "So am I," rejoined Christopher, laughing. "I seem to be furnishing a lecture free of charge to a very select audience," the Scotchman returned drily; "and having once started, I suppose I may as well finish it.