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Rackon Varmer Jan 'ood a-zhown them the wai to kingdom come, 'stead of gooin' herzel zo aisy. And a maight have been gooin' to market now, 'stead of laying banked up over yanner. Maister Jan, thee can zee the grave if thee look alang this here goon-barryel. Buy now, whutt be blubberin' at? Wish I had never told thee. 'John Fry, I am not blubbering; you make a great mistake, John.

Keep your pluck up, and show good sport, and Lord love the better man of you." Robin took me by the hand, and gazed at me disdainfully, and then smote me painfully in the face, ere I could get my fence up. "Whutt be 'bout, lad?" cried John Fry; "hutt un again, Jan, wull 'e? Well done then, our Jan boy."

During the first minute many bullets whistled and sang past, and Sapper Duffy took no notice. A couple went 'whutt' past his ear, and he swore and slightly increased his working speed.

When a bullet whistles or sings past, it is a comfortable distance clear; when it goes 'hiss' or 'swish, it is too close for safety; and when it says 'whutt' very sharply and viciously, it is merely a matter of being a few inches out either way.

Whutt be 'baout, smellin' the cream?" "'Tees bad," said Stalky. "Zmell 'un." Incautiously Mary did as she was bid. "Bidevoor kiss." "Niver amiss," said Stalky, taking it without injury. "Yeou yeou yeou " Mary began, bubbling with mirth.

Rackon Varmer Jan 'ood a-zhown them the wai to kingdom come, 'stead of gooin' herzel zo aisy. And a maight have been gooin' to market now, 'stead of laying banked up over yanner. Maister Jan, thee can zee the grave if thee look alang this here goon-barryel. Buy now, whutt be blubberin' at? Wish I had never told thee." "John Fry, I am not blubbering; you make a great mistake, John.

'Nothing at all, John, our Annie answered; 'only the horrible ferocity of that miserable blacksmith. 'That be nayther here nor there, John continued, with some wrath at his own interruption: 'Blacksmith knawed whutt the Squire had been; and veared to lose his own custom, if Squire tuk to shooin' again. Shutt any man I would myzell as intervared wi' my trade laike.

"'Tisn't so easy switching with a straight-backed tender," said his little friend of the round-house, bustling by at a trot. "But you're comin' on pretty fair. 'Ever seen a flyin' switch? No? Then watch me." Poney was in charge of a dozen heavy flat-cars. Suddenly he shot away from them with a sharp "Whutt!"

Robin took me by the hand, and gazed at me disdainfully, and then smote me painfully in the face, ere I could get my fence up. 'Whutt be 'bout, lad? cried John Fry; 'hutt un again, Jan, wull 'e? Well done then, our Jan boy.

"Nothing at all, John," our Annie answered; "only the horrible ferocity of that miserable blacksmith." "That be nayther here nor there," John continued, with some wrath at his own interruption: "Blacksmith knawed whutt the Squire had been; and veared to lose his own custom, if Squire tuk to shooin' again. Shutt any man I would myzell as intervared wi' my trade laike.