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It suits dis ol' woman better to hab her skin an' scalp now, even if dey are black, den to hab folks ye don't know nuffin' 'bout blubberin' over ye a hundred years from now. Dem's my solemn sent'ments." "But daddy thinks there is a great purpose in our coming here, Mammy.

'Sargint, put a sinthry over these two men. "The men wint back into the tents like jackals, an' the rest av the night there was no noise at all excipt the stip av the sinthry over the two, an' Scrub Greene blubberin' like a child. 'Twas a chilly night, an' faith, ut sobered Peg Barney.

She tole us to stop in fer her about nine o'clock, didn't she, Bud? Er was it eight?" He saw the necessity for accuracy. "Ten," corrected Bud deliberately. "Well, pop, we stopped fer her, an' an' " "Stop yer blubberin', Roscoe," commanded Anderson as harshly as he could. "An' got her," concluded Roscoe. "She put on her shawl an' mittens an' said she'd run us a race all the way home.

"Ain't Ellis weaned, or must we break into the cream a dozen times a day for her?" "She has never eaten any thing but milk," said Mary, weeping to think how different Mrs. Grundy's manner was from her own dear mother's. "Wall, there's no use blubberin' so. If she must have milk, why she must, and that's the end on't.

There were tears on all the faces round him, and Pinetop was digging his great fists into his eyes, as a child does who has been punished before his playmates. Beside him a man with an untrimmed shaggy beard hid his distorted features in shaking hands. "I ain't blubberin' fur myself," he said defiantly, "but O Lord, boys I'm cryin' fur Marse Robert."

She must have kept up brave like all the time this morning, and then after lunch when I come in while you were resting, Sir it got too much for her, I expect, sittin' alone for she was sobbin' like to break her heart as I opened the door. She looked that forlorn and huddled up give you my word, Sir Nicholas I was near blubberin' myself." "I am so awfully sorry What did you do, Burton?"

He tarried a moment to wring Joe Hawkridge's hand in farewell and to tell him: "If I have ill luck in this adventure, old comrade, do you mind presenting my best compliments, and and a fond farewell to Mistress Dorothy Stuart?" "Strike me, Jack, stow that or you'll have me blubberin'," said Joe.

I wish t' th' Lord some of ye had been. Sailors, yeh calls yeh-selves! Why, by gosh! yeh haven't enough spirit t' rob a mouse. What's that yeh say, Towers? Infernal machines, eh? Dyin'! If yeh don't all get a move on ye in double quick time, some of yeh will be. Git out o' my sight, ye blubberin' babies; I'm sick an' ashamed of ye.

"So I calls a cutter away, and rowed aboord the San Josef, the men blubberin like a pack o babbies, to break it to Nelson. Like twins, them two, Nelson and your father: that like, ye see! "Well, there was the Commodore on the Don's quarter-deck, Berry beside him, the Spanish Captain afoor him, and behind him a British Jack-Tar tuckin the Spaniards' swords under his arm like so many umberellas.

I ain't goin ter hev no women folks a bawlin an a blubberin roun' this ere jail's long's my husban' keeps it, an that's flat. "I won't cry a bit, if you'll only let me see father," pleaded Prudence, two great tears gathering in her eyes, even as she spoke, and testifying to the value of her promise. "And and I'll scrub the floor for you, too. It needs it, and I'm a good scrubber, Mrs.