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Jennka suddenly turned away from her, pressed her face against the angle of the window frame and suddenly burst into bitter, searing tears the tears of wrath and vengefulness and at the same time she spoke, gasping and quivering: "Because ... because ... Because God has sent me especial luck: I am sick there where, in all probability, no doctor can see.

A look of vicious craft and malice wholly drove away the searching curiosity which had possessed the old man's features. For a time he plainly planned some work of bitter vengefulness. Then, with shaking head, he evidently abandoned the enticing thought. "Too resky," he concluded, and edged a little nearer to the thicket's edge. "Might stir up old " He paused suddenly, alert and keenly listening.

Gaga, with money, and everything that he could offer; and Toby, with love that she craved, and years of waiting, and a poky house, and his opposition to all she might want to do upon her own account. She had a vision of his lowering face, his savage mouth. She remembered all her joys in his arms. A shudder shook Sally at thought of his vengefulness, his fierce strength.

Even after this hard fight, when three of his friends lay groaning on the ground when he had in his power the man who had injured them, who had temporarily bested himself Arima's chief thought was still of the papers! He seemed to have none of the semi-barbarian vengefulness that might have been expected. He merely wished the papers wished them the more desperately with every passing moment.

People were sated with blood; they showed growing weariness, and increasing alarm because of the unparalleled conduct of the condemned. Fears like those of the superstitious Vestinius seized thousands of people. Among the crowds tales more and more wonderful were related of the vengefulness of the Christian God. Prison typhus, which had spread through the city, increased the general dread.

I have forgotten what piece of John Hay's it was that he liked so much, but I remembered how he fiercely revelled in the vengefulness of William Morris's 'Sir Guy of the Dolorous Blast, and how he especially exalted in the lines which tell of the supposed speaker's joy in slaying the murderer of his brother: "I am threescore years and ten, And my hair is 'nigh turned gray, But I am glad to think of the moment when I took his life away."

I found myself suddenly confronted with a business proposition that had to be worked out, and I thought of nothing else." "I hope you succeeded," she said pleasantly. There wasn't a particle of vengefulness about Miss Hastings. She was not one to hold this against him; he could see that at once! She understood men.

"He wanted no killing before we reached the cannibal country," McKay went on, "because then it would all be blamed on the savages and he could show clean hands. Francisco's vengefulness tipped over his cart." "Still, he might have known we'd stop here for a call on the coronel, and that there was a big chance for us to be warned here about the feud between Mayorunas and Peruvians."

Vengefulness was in Bobby's eyes as he followed Trimmer's sprawling figure, so much like a bloated spider's in its bigness of circumference and its attenuation of limbs, that suddenly he shuddered and turned away as when one finds oneself about to step upon a toad. At the offices of the New Brightlight Electric Company there was universal rejoicing.

After all the scheming and effort, what I had so ardently prayed for had come about; but yet my inwards sank at the thought of mounting on the stone where I had mounted before, and taking my dear from the hollow where my hands had laid her. I knew Phorenice's vengefulness, and had a high value for her cleverness.