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McDonald remarked that it was 'a varra fortunate shot, almaist providaintial! And so it was; for if it had gone six inches lower, and the news had gotten out at Bathurst, it would have cost me a fine of two hundred dollars." "Ye did weel, Dud," puffed McLeod; "varra weel indeed for the coo!"

'Are yo bad, 'Lias? 'Ay! said the old schoolmaster, in the voice of one speaking through a dream 'ay, varra bad, varra cold I mun lig me down a bit. And he rose feebly. David instinctively caught hold of him, and led him to a corner close by in the ruined walls, where the heather and bilberry grew thick up to the stones.

On another occasion, as Laura went flitting across the kitchen, drawing to herself the looks of both its inmates, she heard what seemed to be a fragment of talk about a funeral. "Aye, poor Jenny!" said Mrs. Mason. "They didna mak' mich account on her whan t' breath wor yanst oot on her." "Nay," Daffady shook his head for sympathy, "it wor a varra poor set-oot, wor Jenny's buryin.

"Varra like it laid away in a spot wheear it could hev summat to luk at when it hed done wark for th' day. "Sooa aw lost mi best layer through mi actin', an' aw've never invented owt sen." One learns to be modest by living on a poultry farm, for there are constant expositions of the most deplorable vanity among the cocks.

"Varra weel; varra weel," Gowran had said when he was told of what was about to occur, and was desired to make preparations necessary in regard to the outside plenishing of the house; "nae doobt she'll do with her ain what pleases her ainself. The mair ye poor out, the less there'll be left in. Mr. Jo-ohn coming? I'll be glad then to see Mr. Jo-ohn. Oo, ay; aits, there'll be aits eneuch.

A certain young preacher in Scotland some years ago, accused by an old lady of preaching works, took refuge in the Lord's sermon on the mount: "Ow ay!" answered the partisan, "but he was a varra yoong mon whan he preacht that sermon!" Alister rose and went: there was to him something specially sacred in the communion of his mother and brother.

Ye've dishonoured yeself: ye've laid a trap for me ay, laid a trap, that's t' word. Ye've brought shame and bitterness on yer ould mother in her ould age. Ye've made me despise t' varra sect o' ye. Ye can stop on here, but ye shall niver touch a penny of my money; every shillin' of 't shall go t' yer child, or to your child's children.

But if Henders would clear away the snow from his door he would be "varra obleeged." Henders, however, had to come to terms first. "The chairge is saxpence, Davit," he shouted. Then a haggling ensued. Henders must be neighbourly. A plate of broth, now or, say, twopence. But Henders was obdurate. "I'se nae time to argy-bargy wi' ye, Davit.

This he boasted to have ascertained by the position of the oriel window, and the direction in which the moonbeams fell at night, through the stained glass, casting the shadow to the red cross on the spot; as had all been specified in the poem. "I pointed out the whole to the shirra," said he, "and he could na' gainsay but it was varra clear."

Dyson was specially successful with boys, and that there was an 'awakening' among some of the lowest and roughest of the Clough End lads. 'He ha sich a way wi un, said a much-stirred mother to Reuben Grieve, meeting him one day in the street, 'he do seem to melt your varra marrow.