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For outwardly appar'l, seein' him clane within, me boy, a gintleman should make the best of what he finds about him. I have slept sweet in turban or burnous in me time. Dress is nothing that we may always control. But if ye found yeself a bit low in kit, as Batty is this day, what would ye say, Ned, me boy, was the first salient what is the first essintial in the dress of a gintleman, me boy?"

Much obleeged ter ye, Squar', fer dat. Same ter yeself 'tu.

And Mary snapped her hand, as one does when troubled with a bug. "Ah, now!" pleaded Hal. "You're not being fair!" "I'm bein' just as fair as I've got it in me to be, Joe. I been off and had it all out. I can see this much 'tis not her fault, maybe 'tis her class; 'tis all of ye the very best of ye, even yeself, Joe Smith!" "Yea," he replied, "Tim Rafferty said that."

"If ye'll excuse me being so bold, sir," said Mrs. Tams, "ye ought for be right well ashamed o' yeself. And that I'll say with my dying breath." She dropped on to the hard Windsor chair, and, lifting her apron, began to whimper. Louis could feel himself blushing. "It seems to me you'd better look out for a fresh situation," he remarked curtly, as he turned to leave the kitchen.

'I've told you. She had a slightly quizzical look. 'Now, as to Mark, the lawyer continued blandly, 'Mr. Beechinor explained the whole circumstances to me. Mark as good as defied his brother. 'That's nothing to do with it. 'By the way, it appears that Mark is practically engaged to be married. May I ask if the lady is yeself? She hesitated.

His right hand swept to his left arm-pit. Outwardly he seemed weaponless, but Samson knew that concealed beneath the hickory shirt was a holster, worn mountain fashion. "What air ye a-reachin' atter, Tam'rack?" he inquired, his lips twisting in amusement. "Thet's my business." "Well, get hit out or git out yeself, afore I throws ye offen the clift." Sally showed no symptoms of alarm.

Through their half-closed lids her eyes glimmered at Baines. 'Ha! Legal caution acquired from your cousin, I presume. Baines smiled at her. 'But let me assure ye, Miss Beechinor, this is a mere matter of form. A will must be signed in the presence of two witnesses, both present at the same time; and there's only yeself and me for it.

He accompanied her down the narrow lane that led past her uncle's house. When the lighted windows came in sight he halted. 'Good night, lassie, he said kindly. 'Do ye give ower distressin' yeself. 'Good night, Mr. Garstin, she answered, in the same low, rapid voice in which she had given him her answer up on the fell. 'We're man an' wife plighted now, are we not? he blurted timidly.

Ye kain't stand es much es they kin. Don't stay out in the night air too much an', Sally fer God's sake take keer of yeself!" He broke off, and picked up his hat. "An' that gun, Sally," he repeated at the door, "that there's the most precious thing I've got. I loves hit better then anything take keer of hit." Again, she caught at his shoulders.

"But that Mumpson's hawfully haggravatin', master, as ye know yeself, hi'm a-thinkin'. Vud ye jis tell a body vat she is 'here, han 'ow hi'm to get hon vith 'er. Hif hi'm to take me horders from 'er, hi'd ruther go back to the poor-'us." "You are to take your orders from me and no one else. All I ask is that you go on quietly with your work and pay no attention to her.