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Now, Miss Beechinor, I must ask ye to be judeecious. Mary shut her lips. 'Her'll never do it. I tell thee, fetch another witness. The old man sprang up in a sort of frenzy as he uttered the words, and then fell back in a brief swoon. Mary wiped his brow, and pushed away the wet and matted hair. Presently he opened his eyes, moaning. Mr.

On the return voyage the vessel was quarantined at Liverpool for a fortnight, and Beechinor had an attack of low fever. Eight months afterwards he was ill again. Beechinor went to bed for the last time, cursing Providence, Wilbraham v. Wilbraham, and Rio. Mark Beechinor was thirty, just nineteen years younger than his brother.

'I shall have nothing to do with it, Mary said coldly. 'Young lady, we don't want ye to have anything to do with it. We only desire ye to witness the signature. 'I won't witness the signature, and I won't see it signed. 'Damn thee, Mary! thou'rt a wicked wench, Beechinor whispered in hoarse, feeble tones.

He saw himself robbed of the legitimate fruit of all those interminable years of toilsome thrift. This girl by a trick would prevent him from disposing of his own. He, Edward Beechinor, shrewd and wealthy, was being treated like a child. He was too weak to rave, but from his aggrieved and furious heart he piled silent curses on her. 'Go, fetch another witness, he added to the lawyer.

Beechinor is about to make a new will, he said, without removing the pen from his mouth, 'and ye will kindly witness it. The small room appeared to be full of Baines he was so large and fleshy and assertive. The furniture, even the chest of drawers, was dwarfed into toy-furniture, and Beechinor, slight and shrunken-up, seemed like a cadaverous manikin in the bed. 'Now, Mr.

'Wait a moment, said Baines. 'Miss Beechinor, do ye mean to say that ye will cross the solemn wish of a dying man? 'I mean to say I won't help a dying man to commit a crime. 'A crime? 'Yes, she answered, 'a crime. Seven years ago Mr. Beechinor willed everything to his brother Mark, and Mark ought to have everything. Mark is his only brother his only relation except me.

Baines folded up the will, put it in his pocket, and left the room with quick steps. Mary heard him open the front-door and then return to the foot of the stairs. 'Miss Beechinor, he called, 'I'll speak with ye a moment. She went down. 'Do you mind coming into the kitchen? she said, preceding him and turning up the gas; 'there's no light in the front-room.

Edward Beechinor had his money, his superior age, and the possible advantage of being a dying man; Mark Beechinor had his youth and his devotion to an ideal. Near the window, aloof and apart, stood the strange, silent girl whose aroused individuality was to intervene with such effectiveness on behalf of one of the antagonists. It was early dusk on an autumn day.

Beechinor. Dusting his hands, the lawyer took a newly-written document from the dressing-table, and, spreading it on the lid of a cardboard box, held it before the dying man. 'Here's the pen. There! I'll help ye to hold it. Beechinor clutched the pen.

Forty-eight hours a week Mary Beechinor sat before her whirler. Actuating the treadle, she placed a piece of ware on the flying disc, and with a single unerring flip of the finger pushed it precisely to the centre; then she held the full brush firmly against the ware, and in three seconds the band encircled it truly; another brush taken up, and the line below the band also stood complete.