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They were interrupted by a waiter, who removed the soup-plates with studied dexterity, and substituted Tronçon de turbotin Duglère; pommes vapeur, the dish which had delivered the fatal blow against the Cabinet Minister's digestive armour.

Of extravagant metaphor, the result of this same making sound the file-leader of sense, a single example from "Heraclius" shall suffice: "La vapeur de mon sang ira grossir la foudre Que Dieu tient deja prete a le reduire en poudre."

Aussi, sommes-nous convaincus que si les puissantes machines, veritable source de la production et de l'industrie de nos jours, doivent recevoir des modifications radicales, ce sera a des hommes d'imagination, et non point a dea hommes purement speciaux, que l'on devra cette transformation." E. M. BATAILLE, Traite des Machines a Vapeur.

It was wittily, if somewhat bitterly, said by D'Alembert, "Un etat de vapeur etait un etat tres facheux, parcequ'il nous faisait voir les choses comme elles sont." I find men victims of illusion in all parts of life. Children, youths, adults, and old men, all are led by one bawble or another.

Morris shook his head to convey the blankness of his ignorance, whereupon other men addressed him, also in northern tongues. Then, as he still shook his head, a lad of about nineteen came forward and spoke in broken and barbarous French. "Naufrage la bas," he said; "bateau a vapeur, naufrage sur les rochers brouillard. Nouse echappe." "Tous?" asked Morris.

At the same moment, Muriel turned her eyes quickly in the self-same direction. Neither made the faintest sign of outer emotion; but Muriel clenched her white hands hard, till the nails dug into the palm, in her effort to restrain herself, as she murmured very low, in an agitated voice, "Un vapeur, un vapeur!" "So I think," M. Peyron answered, very low and calm. "It is, indeed, a steamer!"

Sacré bleu! those scoundrels of English to menace the uniformed patriots of the French republic! The second in command drew a revolver, and pointing at the hairy breast of the leader of the Noa-Noans, shouted: "Au le vapeur! Diable! What, you whisky-filled pigs, you will resist the law?"