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Many an eye in the long, dusty column danced at sight of the honest couple, and one young fellow, their graceless nephew, now a recruit in Captain Davies's troop, braced up in saddle and fixed his eyes fiercely on his file-leader, and for fear of the stern avuncular injunction to "Kape yer eyes to the front, there!" couldn't be induced to peep at Aunt Mollie as she swung a tattered guidon that had been carried by Mac in the ranks of "C" troop many a year before.

To march a company to exactly the right spot, with every man keeping his proper distance from his file-leader "twenty-eight inches from back to breast," clear down the column, so that when the order "front" was given, every one turns, as if on pivot, and touches elbows with those on each side of him, in a straight, firm wall of men, without any shambling "closing up," or "side-stepping" to the right or left, to do all this at word of command, looks very simple and easy to the non-military spectator, as many other very difficult things look simple and easy to the inexperienced.

My poor sister was quite cheerful, and did not seem to be disturbed by any timidity. "Hurry up, Sim!" I called to my file-leader. "We have no time to lose." "Won't Captain Fishley come after us?" asked Flora, as Sim quickened his pace. "He will if he knows where to come; but the swamp will be the last place in the world where any one would think of looking for us.

At all events, we'll take the chances come on!" Bob Webster had been in the habit of following his file-leader, and he did so in this instance. The two struck across the woods in the direction of the fire, their path through the trees and under-growth being made an easy one by the light it cast.

What He had begun in the flesh, He would perfect in the Spirit. In after days Peter spoke of Him as the Prince, or File-leader of Life; and suggests the conception, that through all the ages He is marching on through the gates of death and the grave, unlocking them for us, and opening the pathway into the realms of more and more abundant life. Let us follow Him.

He is the file-leader in a great and terrible rebellion against the government of God: but the natural universe, like all the powers of the human mind and will, belongs primarily to God, the Creator; and by title of inheritance, they belong also, to the child of God: "therefore let no man glory in men.

Transport was not by wheel, but by pack-animals; and as these marched in companies of a half-dozen or so, in single file, haltered one to the other, each as he stepped put his foot into the prints made, not merely by his immediate file-leader of the particular gang, but by all others going and coming for weeks before.

And here I would note the great benefit of party distinctions in saving the people at large the trouble of thinking. Hesiod divides mankind into three classes those who think for themselves, those who think as others think, and those who do not think at all. The second class comprises the great mass of society; for most people require a set creed and a file-leader.

Let's go over to the shade, where we were yesterday, and have Dick bring us a bucket of cold spring water and the bottles and things." "Abe!" said Jake Alspaugh to his file-leader a red-headed, pock-marked man, whose normal condition was that of outspoken disgust at every thing "this means a fight." "Your news would've been fresh and interesting last night," growled Abe Bolton.

And if the Bridge Farmer wanted to, he could now sit in the Hofgarten and look with pride at the file-leader of the second company.