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* The tragedy of Brutus was interdicted on account of these two lines: "Arreter un romain sur de simple soupcons, "C'est agir en tyrans, nous qui les punissons." That of Mahomet for the following: "Exterminez, grands dieux, de la terre ou nous sommes "Quiconque avec plaisir repand le sang des hommes."

Et s'il etait question d'estimer la vertu d'un peuple, qui s'est longtemps maintenu libre sans ployer la gantelet, ni rien perdu de sa reputation, on peut, a bon droit, faire cas de ceste cite. Et certes de tout temps ceste brave cite a este enviee des tyrans, pour en usurper la domination.

None here are bold enough to contradict what their sovereigns would have believed; and a town or district, driven almost to revolt by the present system of recruiting, consents very willingly to be described as marching to the frontiers with martial ardour, and burning to combat les esclaves des tyrans!

He was informed that none of his letters, with the insolent printed words at the top, LIBERTE EQALITE, GUERRE AUX TYRANS, &c. would be received; but that if he wrote like a soldier and a gentleman he would be answered in the same style.

None here are bold enough to contradict what their sovereigns would have believed; and a town or district, driven almost to revolt by the present system of recruiting, consents very willingly to be described as marching to the frontiers with martial ardour, and burning to combat les esclaves des tyrans!

One thing is that when they opress the people they suffer awful I think it is a terrible thing when they say that you can be hanged down or trodden down without mercy and the tyranny does what they want there was tyrans in the revolutionary war and so they throwed off the yok. Written by a boy in the second year of the high school, aged 14 years Sulla as a Tyrant

He's not a man of books, that uncle of yours, and I'd be ashamed if he caught me reading at this hour of the day. But listen to me now." He took up the volume of "Voltaire" and read L'âme des grands travaux, l'objet des nobles voeux, Que tout mortel embrasse, ou désire, ou rapelle, Qui vit dans tous les coeurs, et dont le nom sacré Dans les cours des tyrans est tout bas adoré, La Liberté!

Vivien Warren was sufficiently restored to health then to stand on the steps of some monument and cry "Vive la Belgique! À bas les tyrans!" The policemen and the spies looked another way and affected deafness. They had orders not to arrest her unless she actually resorted to firearms or other lethal weapons.

Truth is one; the book which exposes it is an imposing and durable monument: Il brave les tyrans avides, Plus hardi que les Pyramides Et plus durable que l'airain. Error is manifold, and of ephemeral duration; the work which combats it does not carry within itself a principle of greatness or of endurance.

* The tragedy of Brutus was interdicted on account of these two lines: "Arreter un romain sur de simple soupcons, "C'est agir en tyrans, nous qui les punissons." That of Mahomet for the following: "Exterminez, grands dieux, de la terre ou nous sommes "Quiconque avec plaisir repand le sang des hommes."