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They halted at sight of the stranger, and some raised their weapons; but he, recognizing them as Cubans, called out: "I am Americano, and those Spaniards whom you have so bravely killed sought my life. Viva Cuba libre!" Upon this they again advanced with shouts and eager questions.

His paper was formerly L'Homme Libre The Free Man but on being suppressed this fall by the censor its octogenarian editor gayly changed its name to The Chained Man L'Homme Enchainé and continued fire.

Before I could say more, the mayor entered my cachot with the officers of the police, and informed me that a proces-verbal had been held; that my friend had been able to give the clearest answers to all their questions; and that it appeared from the evidence of Monsieur Talbot himself, that it was an affaire d'honneur, fairly decided; that the brace of pistols found in the water had confirmed his assertions: "and therefore, monsieur," continued the mayor, "whether your friend lives or dies tout a ete fait en regle, et vous etes libre."

Eustace Hignett nodded listlessly, sat down on his bag and emitted a deep sigh. He was a small, fragile-looking young man with a pale, intellectual face. Dark hair fell in a sweep over his forehead. He looked like a man who would write vers libre, as indeed he did. "Hullo!" he said, in a hollow voice. Sam regarded him blankly.

Il veut être libre pour peindre, libre même pour oublier la peinture, libre encore, libre davantage pour n'être ni questionné ni consulté, pour ne devenir ni un expert, ni un éducateur de sots. Et voil

M. Georges Clemenceau's Homme Libre has ceased to appear. So also have the Gil Blas and Autorite. The Daily Mail has migrated to Bordeaux. Most of the newspapers that remain are published on a single sheet.

Whether the word is whispered apologetically by the smoking-room steward to those deep in bridge, or shrieked from the tops of a sinking ship it never quite fails of its effect. A sweating stoker from the engine-room saw it first. "Land!" he hailed. The sea-sick Cubans raised themselves and swung their hats; their voices rose in a fierce chorus. "Cuba libre!" they yelled.

It was thought that M. Picard's position as a member of the Government rendered it impossible for him to remain the political director of a newspaper, so he withdrew, but appointed his brother as his successor. This did not please M. Portales, who with most of the staff left the Electeur Libre, and founded La Vérité.

Whether the word is whispered apologetically by the smoking-room steward to those deep in bridge, or shrieked from the tops of a sinking ship it never quite fails of its effect. A sweating stoker from the engine-room saw it first. "Land!" he hailed. The sea-sick Cubans raised themselves and swung their hats; their voices rose in a fierce chorus. "Cuba libre!" they yelled.

In a stirring editorial in his newspaper L'Homme Libre, M. Georges Clemenceau frankly faces the situation now that "the Germans are close to Paris." He adds: "We have left open the approach to Paris, while reserving to ourselves flank attacks on the enemy. If the forts do their duty, this move may be a happy one. From what we have seen of him, General Joffre belongs to the temporizing school.