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Therefore he set off to meet her in London, that he might lose no time in bringing her to Nightmare Abbey. After the first joy of meeting was over, he told his daughter he had a husband ready for her. The young lady replied very gravely she should take the liberty of choosing for herself. "Have I not a fortune in my own right, sir?" said Celinda. "The more is the pity," said Mr. Toobad.

'By spontaneous locomotion, said Scythrop, sullenly. 'Celinda, said Mr Toobad, 'what does all this mean? 'I really do not know, sir. 'This is most unaccountable. When I told you in London that I had chosen a husband for you, you thought proper to run away from him; and now, to all appearance, you have run away to him. 'How, sir! was that your choice?

Scythrop pursued her, crying, 'Stop, stop, Marionetta my life, my love! and was gaining rapidly on her flight, when, at an ill-omened corner, where two corridors ended in an angle, at the head of a staircase, he came into sudden and violent contact with Mr Toobad, and they both plunged together to the foot of the stairs, like two billiard-balls into one pocket.

Hilary, but another visitor, much more to Mr. dowry's taste, was Mr. Flosky, a very lachrymose and morbid gentleman, of some note in the literary world, with a very fine sense of the grim and the tearful. But the dearest friend of Mr. Glowry, and his most welcome guest, was Mr. Toobad, the Manichean Millenarian.

Scythrop returned to Marionetta with a joyful heart, and drank the Maderia by the way, leaving his father much disturbed, for he had set his heart on marrying his son to the daughter of his friend, Mr. Toobad. III. Celinda Mr.

"Do not talk so, sir; do not talk so, Scythrop! What would you have?" "I would have my love." "And pray, sir, who is your love?" "Celinda Marionetta either both." "Both! That may do very well in a German tragedy, but it will not do in Lincolnshire. Will you have Miss Toobad?" "Yes." "And renounce Marionetta?" "No." "But you must renounce one." "I cannot." "And you cannot have both.

'My dear boy, said Mr Toobad, 'you have a fine eye for consequences. So saying, he embraced Scythrop, who retired, with a disconsolate step, to dress for dinner; while Mr Toobad stalked across the hall, repeating, 'Woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea, for the devil is come among you, having great wrath.

Things proceeded in this train for several days; and Mr Glowry began to be uneasy at receiving no intelligence from Mr Toobad; when one evening the latter rushed into the library, where the family and the visitors were assembled, vociferating, 'The devil is come among you, having great wrath! He then drew Mr Glowry aside into another apartment, and after remaining some time together, they re-entered the library with faces of great dismay, but did not condescend to explain to any one the cause of their discomfiture.

Mr Glowry comforted himself with this view of the subject, and urged Mr Toobad to expedite his daughter's return from Germany. Mr Toobad said he was in daily expectation of her arrival in London, and would set off immediately to meet her, that he might lose no time in bringing her to Nightmare Abbey.

'Nothing else, certainly, said Scythrop: 'you are perfectly in the right, Mr Toobad.