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My cousin Scythrop has of late had an air of mystery about him, which gives me great uneasiness. That is strange: nothing is so becoming to a man as an air of mystery. Mystery is the very key-stone of all that is beautiful in poetry, all that is sacred in faith, and all that is recondite in transcendental psychology.

Toobad retreating with the captive damsels. The whole party followed, leaving Scythrop carefully arranged in a pensive attitude. IV. Scythrop's Fate He was still in this position when the butler entered to announce that dinner was on the table. He refused food, and on being told that the party was much reduced, everybody had gone, requested the butler to bring him a pint of port and a pistol.

Scythrop received this intelligence at Nightmare Abbey, and was half distracted on the occasion. It was his first disappointment, and preyed deeply on his sensitive spirit. His father, to comfort him, read him a Commentary on Ecclesiastes, which he had himself composed, and which demonstrated incontrovertibly that all is vanity.

"Raven," said he, "the clock is too fast." "No, indeed," said Raven. "If anything it is too slow " "Villain," said Scythrop, pointing the pistol at him, "it is too fast!" "Yes, yes too fast, I meant!" said Raven, in fear. "Put back my watch!" said Scythrop.

The author of "Nightmare Abbey" seized on some points of his character and some habits of his life when he painted Scythrop. He was not addicted to 'port or madeira, but in youth he had read of 'Illuminati and Eleutherarchs, and believed that he possessed the power of operating an immediate change in the minds of men and the state of society.

It resulted, from this system of conduct, that all that passed between Scythrop and Marionetta, consisted in making and unmaking love.

'To be sure there are, sir; and do you suppose I do not see through your designs, you ungenerous monster? 'My designs? Marionetta! 'Yes, your designs, Scythrop. You have come here to cast me off, and artfully contrive that it should appear to be my doing, and not yours, thinking to quiet your tender conscience with this pitiful stratagem.

While he was acting this reverie, his study door opened, and the real Marionetta appeared. "For heaven's sake, Scythrop," said she, "what is the matter?" "For heaven's sake, indeed!" said Scythrop, "for your sake, Marionetta, and you are my heaven! Distraction is the matter. I adore you, and your cruelty drives me mad!"

'But, sir, said Scythrop, 'a key-hole may be so constructed as to act like an acoustic tube, and an acoustic tube, sir, will modify sound in a very remarkable manner. Consider the construction of the ear, and the nature and causes of sound. The external part of the ear is a cartilaginous funnel. 'It wo'n't do, Scythrop. There is a girl concealed in this tower, and find her I will.

But when Marionetta hinted that she was to leave the Abbey immediately, Scythrop snatched from its repository his ancestor's skull, filled it with Madeira, and presenting himself before Mr Glowry, threatened to drink off the contents if Mr Glowry did not immediately promise that Marionetta should not be taken from the Abbey without her own consent.