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As for W , he was cured of his nocturnal visits to the "Black Horse," and his love of whisky toddy. Some months afterwards he espoused the temperance cause, and I've heard him tell the tale myself, many a time, and laugh heartily at the figure he must have cut, when Kitty commenced beating him for a "thafe of a nager."

I've made my mark on wan o' thim, an' he's the buck I'm afther." "He's made his mark on you, Kennedy," broke in a soldier voice. "You mad fool, trying to tackle a chief like that even if he was hit, for he had his whole gang behind him." "Sure he dared me out, an' what's this he called me? a d d whiskey thafe! me that niver " "Oh, shut up, Kennedy," laughed a brother Irishman.

Promissory notice on demand is it anny toime? Seven fut three on me bare toes but Father o' Sin! when she calls I come, yis." "On your oath, Macavoy?" asked Pierre; "by the book av the Mass?" Macavoy stood up straight till his head scraped the cobwebs between the rafters, the wild indignation of a child in his eye. "D'ye think I'm a thafe to stale me own word? Hut!

"'Drop it, you little thafe! yells O'Shaughnessy, makin' a dive for the boy. "'I won't! screams Archibald, and starts to run. He tripped over the corner of a mat, and fell flat. The plug hat was underneath him, and it fell flat, too. "'Oh! oh! oh! wails Margaret, wringin' her hands. 'Your beautiful hat, Mike! "Mike's face was like a sunset.

Loring's car is anybody's private wagon these days. Can you make your time with her?" "Not on yer life," Callahan growled. "Is it the owld potgutted thafe iv a rayceiver that's in her?" "Yes; with Governor Bucks and a party of his friends. I take it you ought to feel honored." "Do I?" snapped Callahan.

Quietly and noiselessly he got out of bed, and, going to the chair, felt in his pockets, and so discovered the loss of the stuffed pocketbook. Andy wanted to laugh, but forbore, lest the sound should be heard in the next room. "It's a good joke on the dirty thafe!" said Andy, to himself. "He's welcome to all the money, he's got it won't carry him far, I'm thinkin'."

Greer himself stared, then moved forward automatically to continue his onslaught, when Hogan grabbed him. "Come on back," cried the Irishman. "Th' scoundrel has lift ye no ixcuse to fight him any more. He says he's a thafe, but I don't belave Come git a wash and let's wrap up yer hand." At that moment the dignified voice of Gaskin came from the forward pontoon.

'And t'other on'th daughter. That'h what I mean. Hope I thee you well, mith. And I hope the Thquire'th well? 'My father will be here soon, said Louisa, anxious to bring him to the point. 'Is my brother safe? 'Thafe and thound! he replied. 'I want you jutht to take a peep at the Ring, mith, through here. Thethilia, you know the dodgeth; find a thpy-hole for yourthelf.

Of course I am using local words. Gentry are expected to have a well-filled and an open hand. If they have not both, what business have they to set up for gentry? Popular opinion thinks of them as Carleton's hedge scholar expressed himself, "You a gentleman? No, nor one of your breed, seed or generation ever was, you proctoring thafe you!"

And barrin' him bein' the very thafe o' the wurrld, it's a poor honest body he be. Shure it's little enough truble he give me, and me all alone be meself. An! the swag of him! Glory be to God, I dunno but it's wort five hundred pounds if it's wort a sint! Yirra! but it's weery I am. It's little slape I've had.