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I then bought a pair of shoe strings, and wringin the shopman's honest hand, I started for the Tomb of Shakspeare in a hired fly. It look't however more like a spider. "And this," I said, as I stood in the old church-yard at Stratford, beside a Tombstone, "this marks the spot where lies William W. Shakspeare. Alars! and this is the spot where "

An', last of all, they went to the smoke house, an' broke it open an' got a lot of bacon. 'Now, auntie, you all ready, they say? 'Yes, sir, I tell 'em. 'Here's a roll of linsey for our cloze, shall we take it? 'Certainly, an' any thing else you'r a mine to. As we started for the door mistess followed us cryin' an' wringin' her han's.

But when a woman goes into a trance and a sperit comes teeterin' out from the dark behind the stage and drops a white robe over her, and she begins to occult, or whatever they call it, and speaks of them in high places, and them with fat moneybags, and that ain't been long in our midst, and has come from no one jest knows where, and that she sees black shadders followin' 'em, along with wimmen weepin' and wringin' of their hands well, when a woman sets on the town-hall stage and goes on in that strain for a half-hour, it ain't the kind of a show that I want to be at not with my wife and yourn on the same settee with me."

Couldn't anything be easier than that, could it?" "Depinds entirely on the man," said Freckles. The lilt of a lark hanging above the swale beside them was not sweeter than the sweetness of his voice. "To some it would seem to come aisy as breathing; and to some, wringin' the last drop of their heart's blood couldn't force thim!

Burton, cryin' an' wringin' your hands an' moanin', 'Oh, Keithie, darling! won't make a boy grow red blood an' make you feel so fine you want to knock a man down! Mr. Burton, I want you to tell that woman to let me take care of that boy for jest one week ONE WEEK, an' her not to come near him with her snivelin' an' "

They ought to be kilt off as fast as they're caught." "They'll be that," said Mr. Dooley. "But killin' thim is like wringin' th' neck iv a mickrobe." "Hinnissy, if iver we have war with what me frind Carl Schurz'd call th' Mother County, it'll not come fr'm anny Vinnyzwalan question.

When I come back, de ole house was in flames, an' eberybody gone what wasn't dead. I hollered ay, till I was a'most busted but nobody reply. Den I bury de dead ones, an' I've hoed about eber since slobberin' an' wringin' my hands." "Was our old clerk among the slain?" asked Lawrence. "No, massa, but I tinks he's a dead one now, for he too ole to run far."

An' my head in a maze, too: but I'd sense enough to think now what a fool I was not to have took Jeff's shirt off'n, to serve me for a flag. Hows'ever, my own bein' wringin' wet, an' the sun pretty strong just then, I slipped it off an' hitched it atop o' the oar to dry an' be a flag at the same time, till I could rig up some kind o' streamer, out o' the seaweed. An' then I was forced to vomit.

'Now, 'member I brought you up. You won't take your children away from me, will you, Mill? 'Mistess, I shall take what childern I've got lef. 'If they fine that trunk o' money or silver plate you'll say it's your'n, won't you? 'Mistess, I can't lie over that; you bo't that silver plate when you sole my three children. 'Now, Jule, you'll say it's yourn, won't you? 'I can't lie over that either. An' she was cryin' an' wringin' her han's, an' weavin' to an' fro as she set thar.

"There ain't no use of holdin' out anything on you," he said. His lips straightened and his eyes bored into the little man's. There was a light in his own that made the little man stiffen. And Sanderson's voice was cold and earnest. "I'm puttin' you wise to why I've not told her," he went on. "But if you ever open your yap far enough to whisper a word of it to her I'm wringin' your neck, pronto!