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He was glad to escape into the library, where Darco set him to work on more correspondence an endless whirl of it, diversified with family skirmishes. 'Now, who the tevil has been mettling again with my babers? I haf dolt eferybody I will not haf my babers mettled. Then a dash to the door, and an inquiry trumpeted up the stairway. 'Who the tevil has been mettling with my babers?

"For there is no toubt put the tevil, when Owen Thomas saw him, must have peen sitting on a piece of rock in a straight line from him on the other side of the river, where he used to sit, look you, for a whole summer's tay, while Hugh Llwyd was on his pulpit, and there they used to talk across the water! for Hugh Llwyd, please your honour, never raised the tevil except when he was safe in the middle of the river, which proves that Owen Thomas, in his fright, did n't pay proper attention to the exact spot where the tevil was."

Peter was amazed, he could not trust his eyes, his ears, or his memory. "Toctor," said he, "come here for heaven's sake, is she hern ainsel or ta tevil."

"During this period, you have of course dug up many bones of the people of ancient times." "Pones! Cot pless you, yes! pones as old as the 'orlt." "Perhaps you can show me a few." The sexton grinned horribly a ghastly smile. "Will you take your Pible oath you ton't want them to raise the tevil with?" "Willingly," said Mr Escot, smiling; "I have an abstruse reason for the inquiry."

Shentlements," added he, turning to our adventurers, "I take you to witness, that I protest, and assert, and avow, that this person is as pig a necromancer as you would desire to behold; and I supplicate, and beseech, and entreat of you, that he may be prought pefore his petters, and compelled to give an account of his compact and commerce with the imps of darkness, look you; for, as I am a Christian soul, and hope for joyful resurrection, I have this plessed evening seen him perform such things as could not be done without the aid and instruction and connivance of the tevil."

"Ted," said Peter, "she is worth two ted men yet. There is only two teaths. Ted as te tevil, and ted drunk, and she ain't neither; and if she were poth she would wake her up with tat tune, barris an tailler, as she tid Captain Fraisher, tat she will." "Now," said I, "let us land the moose." Peter's horrid pipes knocked all the romance out of me.

He was, however appeased at length, and came down to the berth, where, finding Thompson and me at work preparing medicines, he bade us leave off our lapour to go to play, for the captain, by his sole word, and power, and command, had driven sickness a pegging to the tevil, and there was no more malady on board.

Some of his university admirers, who appreciated academic honors more than the musician did, urged him to accept the degree of Doctor of Music, for which he would have to pay a small fee. The characteristic reply was a Parthian arrow: "Vat te tevil I trow my money away for dat vich the blockhead vish'? I no vant!" In 1738 Handel was obliged to close the theatre and suspend payment.

"If, as you say, the package was laid on the safe and never removed by you, somebody must have taken it away." "Of course, somepody tock it," remarked Mr. Swartz. "How te tevil could it go mitout it vash taken away py somepody?" "Do you suspect any one of having stolen it," asked the clerk, turning as white as the shirt he wore. "Did you ever come near de safe to-day," asked Mr. Swartz, abruptly.

"Cot pless your honour, I should n't have thought of meeting any pody here at this time of the morning, except, look you, it was the tevil who, to pe sure, toes not often come upon consecrated cround put for all that, I think I have seen him now and then, in former tays, when old Nanny Llwyd of Llyn-isa was living Cot teliver us! a terriple old witch to pe sure she was I tid n't much like tigging her crave put I prought two cocks with me the tevil hates cocks and tied them py the leg on two tombstones and I tug, and the cocks crowed, and the tevil kept at a tistance.