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Id is a story. You shall make it yourselluff for dose babers dot you write. It is not bretty, berhaps, ain't it, but it is droo. And de endt is not yet." Only that Rutli never joked, except in a ponderous fashion with many involved sentences, I should have thought he was taking a good-humored rise out of me. But it was not funny.

Then a shrill inquiry from above. 'What's the matter, George? 'Nothings. I know where I but it now. I will not haf my babers mettled. Then more dictation, the dictator waddling fiercely across the room and back again for ten minutes or so. Then a rush to the door, and a new call upstairs. 'Who the tevil Oh, it's all right I remember where I put it. Then more dictation, and a third rush.

He was glad to escape into the library, where Darco set him to work on more correspondence an endless whirl of it, diversified with family skirmishes. 'Now, who the tevil has been mettling again with my babers? I haf dolt eferybody I will not haf my babers mettled. Then a dash to the door, and an inquiry trumpeted up the stairway. 'Who the tevil has been mettling with my babers?

I am very glad to see you! Mr. Meadows sent you, I suppose?" said Ishmael, advancing and shaking hands with his visitor. "Mishter Meators? Who is he? No, Mishter Meators tit not zend me here; no one tit; I gome myzelf. I saw your name in te list of arrivals at dish house, bublished in tish morningsh babers.

'And that is the only way to dreat it But I will not haf my babers mettled. Then more dictation, until Paul's mind was crossed by a sudden recollection. 'I beg your pardon, sir, he said, diving his hand into his pocket. 'I forgot to give you the change out of that five-pound note. 'Keep it, said Darco. 'You will haf to look resbegdable if you stay here. You will haf to puy things.

He was to pay the rent, receiving a sub-lease from Bohlmann, who was only a lesee himself, and to give a chattel mortgage on the stock supplied him. Finally he was to have the right of redemption of stock, lease, and good-will at any time within five years, on making certain payments. "You draw up der babers, Misder Stirling, and send der bill to me.

Switzer has to use 'em in this play. I forgot to tell you." "Have 'em for you right away!" cried the property man, and a little later Mr. Switzer had his "babers." "I guess we're all right now. Start up, Russ," ordered the stage director, who was also the manager of the troupe. "That was a mistake on the part of Mr.

His name was D. Babers, and twenty years after the war I met him once more, a stalwart, bearded man, as unlike as possible the pale young soldier who had lived in my memory. His delight and gratitude and that of his family seemed unbounded, and so I found the bread once cast upon the waters very sweet when returned to me "after many days."

"I haf forgotten der imbortant babers dot I haf to offer mine enemy in dis play. I must have der babers." "Gracious, I should say so!" said the manager. "Where's Pop Snooks?" and he looked around for the property man, who had to produce on short notice anything from a ten-ton safe to a hairpin. "Hi, Pop!" called Mr. Pertell. "Make up a bundle of important, legal-looking papers, with seals on. Mr.