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I'm always optimistic but naturally so. Don't need torching!" "Look here, Breed, we've got enough dope on that ex-hobo who is doing your errand-boy work we know enough about him to kill your whole sorehead proposition. But I don't believe my uncle will even use it. No need of it." "Probably not," said Mr. Breed, without resentment. "And I wouldn't if I were he." "We won't descend to it.

Never before had any of the "soreheads" understood so thoroughly the meaning of loneliness. At recess all the talk was of football. None of this talk, however, was heard by the "soreheads." Whenever any of these went near the other groups the talk ceased instantly. There was no comfort in the yard, that morning, for a "sorehead."

You mucker!" hissed Bayliss, now speaking directly to the young left end. This was so palpable that Dick could not well ignore it. Dropping the key back into his pocket, he turned to stare at the two "sorehead" chums. "Eh?" he asked, with a quiet laugh. "Yes; I meant you!" hissed Bayliss. "Oh, well," grinned Dick, "your opinions have never counted for much in the community, have they?"

When one has seen a club of ambitious lads who, when they first organized, cared only for success, reject a boy who is a good debater and athlete on the ground that in another club he had shown that "he was a sorehead and couldn't seem to understand that the majority's got to rule," one is tempted to feel that organization can do so much for the children that an organized library club justifies itself on that score alone.

That was all, but it told the boys and girls at Gridley High School all that they needed to know. "That is the very last gasp of the 'sorehead' movement," grinned Tom Reade, in talking it over with Dan Dalzell. "Well, they did the whole trick for themselves," rejoined Dan. "No one else touched them, or pushed them. They took all the rope they wanted -and hanged themselves.

"Some sorehead," said Amos, "who couldn't get all the land he wanted, I'll bet. And a sweet time the commission will have. Why, they'll have to dig into the private history of every one in Lake City. It'll ruin Levine! Oh, pshaw! No, it won't either! He can get everything whitewashed. That's the way American investigations always end!" But Levine could not get everything whitewashed.

If they make a kick about it they put themselves in the sorehead class." Thus encouraged by their leader, the elated trio returned to the floor primed for more mischief. Advised by Leslie, they kept quiet during the first five minutes. Expecting to be again assailed by the irritating murmurs, the freshmen met with a welcome silence on the part of their tormentors.

Some who did had refused to have anything to do with the "sorehead" crowd. The instant that school was dismissed that Tuesday afternoon scores of the more boisterous boys rushed from the building, across the yard, and double-lined the sidewalk leading from the gateway. "Ugh! ugh! ugh!" they groaned, whenever any of the "soreheads" tried to walk this gauntlet in dignified silence.

Neither Dick nor Greg had any reason for being fond of the fellow, even if he had once been a schoolmate at Gridley High School. Bert, son of Theodore Dodge, a Gridley banker, was an unpardonable snob. Readers of the High School Boys Series will recall how Bert had been one of the leaders in the "sorehead" secession from the football ranks at Gridley High School.

Dick's article read: There is a possibility that Gridley High School will not be in the front ranks in football this year. Those who know state that a "sorehead" combination has been formed by the young male representatives of some of our wealthier families.