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The increased prosperity of the farming interest, and, as we will hope, the cessation of agricultural emigration, will be benefits to be counted against the obvious disadvantages. "The second lesson is the immediate construction of not one but two double-lined railways under the Channel.

It was a lively and a pleasing spectacle, to which novelty lent another charm, when, about two miles beyond the Salara gate, we looked from our double-lined procession of Broughams and Britskas, fore and aft, and saw, for miles, scattered over that usually deserted plain, groups of peasants in the gay costumes of the adjacent villages, now animating it in every direction; some emerging from under the arches of aqueducts, or the screen of ruined columbaria, alternately lost to sight and again rising above those abrupt dips in which the ground abounds, all tending in one direction, all bent on one object.

All the rector told of a fallen world seemed but idle words when the sunset glory was too much for human vision and the young heart trembled before its ineffable suggestions. I often rode a pony. If we turned inland our way was on a road double-lined with cocoa palms, or up some tangled dell where a silvery cascade leaped through the deep verdure.

Harper's letters, and preserved with almost equal care, was another packet. It began with a child's scrawl double-lined, upright and stiff: "My dear Father, "Uncle Brian has ruled me this paper, and ruled Anne another. We are all very merry at Weymouth. "Frederick." "'Frederick? I thought the letter was yours." "No, if he had kept any it was sure to be my brothers. Frederick must have them back."

Some who did had refused to have anything to do with the "sorehead" crowd. The instant that school was dismissed that Tuesday afternoon scores of the more boisterous boys rushed from the building, across the yard, and double-lined the sidewalk leading from the gateway. "Ugh! ugh! ugh!" they groaned, whenever any of the "soreheads" tried to walk this gauntlet in dignified silence.

This was overprinted "20 cash" and the equivalent Chinese characters in a double-lined frame, and again surcharged "100 cash." There is an interesting bit of history connected with these surcharges. The supply of 20 cash stamps was exhausted and the postmaster surcharged that value on eight hundred of the 100 cash stamps.

If silence is unavailing, then patience reminds you that it is her turn to act, and, coming forward; shelters you with her impenetrable shield; patience, as Holy Scripture tells us, makes our work perfect. If we be still assailed, we must call to our aid constancy, which is a kind of double-lined buckler of patience, impervious to the most violent thrusts.

And wherever earnest hearts pray Jesus is there taking their prayer and making it His prayer. The second of these: Mark 11:22-24, "Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God" with the emphasis double-lined under the word "God." The chief factor in prayer is God.

They got out their steel pens, their double-lined copy books, and began mechanically copying out the Greek irregular verbs, with which they were so superficially familiar, and from which they were so fundamentally divorced. "Whitey," said Gordon, "was in an awful wax!" "I don't care," said Smith. "I'd just as soon sit here as look on at that beastly match."

"You never did look so well in a pair o' trousers as in them," she continued in the same unimpassioned voice, so that the unfriendly criticism of the Dewy family seemed to have been more normal than spontaneous. "Such a cheap pair as 'twas too. As big as any man could wish to have, and lined inside, and double-lined in the lower parts, and an extra piece of stiffening at the bottom.