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Eh ye ill laddie! What are ye slinkin' roond here for, when I tell't ye this mornin' that I wad sell ye nae mair scones till ye paid for the last lot? Ye're a wheen thievin' hungry callants, and if there were a polisman in the place I'd gie ye in chairge.... What's that ye say? Ye're no' wantin' meat? Ye want to speak to the gentlemen that's bidin' here? Ye ken the auld ane, says you?

On turning sharp round a corner, he ran against two men, one of whom swore at him, but the other cried "Hallo! messmate, yer musical the night. Hey, Captain Ogilvy, surely I seed you an' Ruby slinkin' down the dark side o' the market-gate half an 'oor ago?" "Mayhap ye did, an' mayhap ye didn't," retorted the captain, as he walked on; "but as it's none o' your business to know, I'll not tell ye."

My great-great-great-gran'father en yo' great-great-great-great-gran'father was Ole Cap'n John Smith, de highest blood dat Ole Virginny ever turned out, en his great-great-gran'mother, or somers along back dah, was Pocahontas de Injun queen, en her husbun' was a nigger king outen Africa en yit here you is, a slinkin' outen a duel en disgracin' our whole line like a ornery lowdown hound!

"'I'd give somethin' to find a back door, says I. 'Ain't this a collection of dock rats though! If this is a part of your dream, Jonadab, I wish you'd turn over and wake up. Oh land! here's one murderer headin' this way. Keep your change in your fist and keep the fist shut. "A more'n average rusty peep, with a rubber collar on and no necktie, comes slinkin' over to us.

The women watched Ollie as she went uncertainly to the stairs and faltered as she climbed upward, shaking their heads forebodingly. Sol and Judge Little went outside together and stood talking by the door. "Ain't it terrible!" said one woman. "Scan'lous!" agreed the other. Mrs. Greening shook her fist toward the parlor. "Old sneaky, slinkin', miserly Isom!" she denounced.

"So the ind of it was," Tom went on, "nothin' else 'ud suit them except gettin' all readied up for us to be slinkin' out in the evenin' late. Faith, I'd twenty minds in me heart agin quittin' little Katty, and she that bad.

It takes somethin' more'n a slinkin' half-breed like him t' lead a winnin' team in the Sweepstakes." And Moose would retort sarcastically, "Mart, ef you was as good a judge o' dogs as dogs is o' you stop growlin' at him, Baldy you'd have a winnin' team in yourself, instead o' just jawin' about it."

'Well, I ain't goin' ter stay 'ere all night; get aht of the light! He pushed aside the people who barred his way, and the one or two who growled a little at his roughness, looking at his angry face, were afraid to complain. 'Look at 'im! said his wife. ''E's afraid, 'e is. See 'im slinkin' awy like a bloomin' mongrel with 'is tail between 'is legs.

And wid that down it squats, and begins sayin', 'Creely-crawly snail where's the creely-crawly snail I'm after huntin' out of its houle? lettin' on to be lookin' for somethin' creepin' in the grass. And a while after it come slinkin' back, when it thought nobody was mindin', to poke the bit out of the wall where I was gatherin' dandelions under the bank.

But I grabbed meself a biggish lump of peppermint twist, and would be slinkin' behind me mother to finish it, and she talkin' at the door to ould Mrs. McClenaghan, and I heard her sayin' her heart was broke. So I got wond'rin' to myself if the raison was maybe that we'd ate it all on her. Och, but it's the quare foolishness people does be remimberin'!"