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It's a rotten shame to have that lowdown scamp under Mr. Hooper's roof. It's a wonder Grace doesn't give him away; she must know what a piker he is." "Bill, it's really none of our business," Gus said. "Well, see you in the morning early."

All breadcrumbs they are. About six hundred per cent profit. He's in with a lowdown crowd, Mr Dedalus snarled. That Mulligan is a contaminated bloody doubledyed ruffian by all accounts. His name stinks all over Dublin.

"We don't care to hear any more from you," he said, clenching his words; "and it would be safer for you to get out of here. We're done with your whole crowd. You're lowdown skates that's what you are. You're dishonorable and sneaky. You're cads! We'll get even. I give you warning. We'll get even if it takes a hundred years." "Thanks!" says I. "Hope it takes twice as long."

Ain't far to sundown, an' we oughta git some countryside between us an' them rip-snortin' javalinas " "Javalinas?" Drew heard Boyd repeat inquiringly. "Kid " the Texan reined his bay "there is some mean things in this heah world. Theah is Comanches an' Apaches, an' a longhorn cow with a calf hid out in a thicket, an' a rattler, what's feelin' lowdown in his mind.

"En you refuse' to fight a man dat kicked you, 'stid o' jumpin' at de chance! En you ain't got no mo' feelin' den to come en tell me, dat fetched sich a po' lowdown ornery rabbit into de worl'! Pah! it make me sick! It's de nigger in you, dat's what it is. Thirty-one parts o' you is white, en on'y one part nigger, en dat po' little one part is yo' soul.

Git ketched an' they tell as how they's scouts, workin' secret-like. Scouts o' ourn if we ketch 'em; Yankees do the blue bellies take 'em. But they ain't nothin' but lowdown trash as nobody wants, for sure!" He dug his pole into the water as if he were impaling a guerrilla on it. "They's mean, plenty mean, suh. Don't go foolin' 'round them!" "Any special place they hang out?" Drew wanted to know.

They had no means of locking up their gold, and thought nothing of leaving it lying about quite unprotected. But when criminals and lowdown ruffians began to come things were changed; until at last many were afraid to have it known that they possessed gold lest they should be murdered for it. Among the many who did not make fortunes out of the finding of gold were Marshall and Sutter.

Honouring as she did the man before her, understanding both his misery and the courage he displayed in this superhuman effort to hide his own convictions, she gathered up all her resources, and with a resolution no less brave than his, said firmly: "You are too much respected in this town, Judge Ostrander, for any collection of people, however thoughtless or vile, to so follow the lead of a lowdown miscreant as to greet you to your face with these damaging assertions, unless they THOUGHT they had evidence, and good evidence, too, with which to back these assertions."

You will find me troublesome." "It isn't fair," exploded Stephen. "It's a lowdown trick. How can I let you go back?" "Promise, then." "Oh, yes, yes, yes. Y.M.C.A. But for this occasion only." "No, no. For the rest of your holiday." "Yes, yes. Very well. I promise." "For the rest of your life?" Somehow it pleased him that Stephen should bang him crossly with his elbow and say, "No. Get out.

"I bought him out to-day, and I hear he's going to join Belloc." "Belloc! Belloc! Who told you that?" asked the young man. "Junia Shale she told me." Carnac laughed. "She knows a lot, but how did she know that?" "Sheer instinct, and I believe she's right." "Right right to fight you, his own father!" was the inflammable reply. "Why, that would be a lowdown business!"