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'Ye see, THIS here grass surface this here surface with trees an' grass on it, that we're livin' on, has got nothin' to do with us. This here bottom in the shaller sinkin's that we're workin' on is the slope to the bed of the NEW crick that was on the surface about the time that men was missin' links.

"But when I see the beast abused, And clubbed around as I've saw some, I want to see his owner noosed, And jest yanked up like Absolum! "Of course they's differunce in stock, A hoss that has a little yeer, And slender build, and shaller hock, Can beat his shadder, mighty near!

"You 'pear to be out of sorts, captain. Sour stomach, likely. Better take a dose of saleratus." Hearing a strange voice, the cook, who was the captain's trusted confidant, came out. He was recognized by the ubiquitous Byle. "Abe Sheldrake! as sure as ham is hog's flesh! Abe, if there's an onrier man than you on earth, the bottomless pit is shaller."

'Cardenly we pulled it in into a shaller, an' it rolled a piece, an' a great old stiff man's arm nigh hit me in the face. Then we was sure. "'Tis a man," ses Jim. But the face was all a mask. "I reckon it's Mary's Lunnon father," he ses presently. "Lend me a match and I'll make sure." He never used baccy.

"Checking?" "Yes, ma'am. Goin' in shaller cracks all over, 's wood's apt to do without it's properly treated beforehand. Sometimes 'twould crack clean through ef 'twarnt for the ile." In his new position John is apt "to go in shaller cracks all over," unless his feminine trainer has been judicious in the use of lubricants assuasive and dissuasive.

"There's a few places in the Kennebec where the water's too shaller to let the logs float, so we used to build a flume, an' the logs would whiz down like arrers shot from a bow.

He was steadfastly gazing at the landscape ahead, the while he passed one wiry hand over his face, to smooth out its broadening smile. He was glad to see me, but his private code of decorum forbade the betrayal of any such "shaller" emotion. "Well, Hiram," I began, "Tiverton looks exactly the same, doesn't it? And poor Nancy, how is she?"

I stood starin' from my hands to her about a minit, and then she bust out a-laughin', and I bust out a-laughin' too! "How shaller you be!" said she. "It's duced amoosin'," said I. "Who be you?" said she. "Artemus Ward, the great lecterer on 'Women's Rites and Mormons," said I. At this she seemed mighty tickled. "I heerd you speak on those momentous subjects in Liverpool," said she.

The odds be agin us to start with, for the smoke is thick and the fire will be in the bends at least half the way down, but it's our only chance; we must run the rapids." "What about the dogs?" "The pups must shirk for themselves," answered the old man. "I'm sorry, but the rapids be swift and the waters shaller on the first half of the stretch.

Stagnant water is always unpleasant, but salt water when it gets tainted beats all natur'; motion keeps it sweet and wholesome, and that our minister used to say is one of the 'wonders of the great deep. This province is stagnant; it ain't deep like still water neither, for it's shaller enough, gracious knows, but it is motionless, noiseless, lifeless.