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The fatigue I had undergone, and the oppressive heat of the sun, so completely overpowered me, by the time of our return to Goree Town, that I felt myself attacked by a violent fever; in this situation I was attended with every tenderness and solicitude by the females; some bringing me a calabash of milk, others spreading me a mat to repose upon, and all uniting in kind offices: it is from them alone that man derives his highest happiness in this life; and in all situations to which he is exposed, they are the assuasive agents by whom his sorrows are soothed, his sufferings alleviated, and his griefs subdued; while compassion is their prominent characteristic, and sympathy a leading principle of their minds.

Wounds were to be healed which required the assuasive hand of time, which were destined to rankle even in the bosoms of another generation, and the painful memory of which is keenly treasured even now.

'And in that conversation 'It is not necessary to repeat its tenor, Bounderby. I know what passed. 'You do? Perhaps, said Bounderby, staring with all his might at his so quiet and assuasive father-in-law, 'you know where your daughter is at the present time! 'Undoubtedly. She is here. 'Here? 'My dear Bounderby, let me beg you to restrain these loud out- breaks, on all accounts.

"Checking?" "Yes, ma'am. Goin' in shaller cracks all over, 's wood's apt to do without it's properly treated beforehand. Sometimes 'twould crack clean through ef 'twarnt for the ile." In his new position John is apt "to go in shaller cracks all over," unless his feminine trainer has been judicious in the use of lubricants assuasive and dissuasive.

The medicine, whatever it might be, had the merit, rare in doctor's stuff, of being pleasant to take, assuasive of thirst, and imbued with a hardly perceptible fragrance, that was so ethereal that it also seemed to enter into his dream and modify it.