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He wore the aspect of one who assumes a forced composure under the infliction of outrages on his character in a Court of Law, where he must of necessity listen and lock his boiling replies within his indignant bosom. 'Now, Sewis, now my horsewhip, he remarked, as if it had been a simple adjunct of his equipment. 'Your hat, sir? 'My horsewhip, I said.

Richmond; Benjamin Sewis, an old half-caste butler; various domestic servants; and a little boy, christened Harry Lepel Richmond, the squire's grandson.

The squire shouted an order to Sewis to run round to the stables and slip the dogs loose. 'Is it your final decision? Mr. Richmond asked. 'Damn your fine words! Yes, it is. I keep my flock clear of a foul sheep. 'Mr. Beltham, I implore you, be merciful. I submit to any conditions: only let me see her. I will walk the park till morning, but say that an interview shall be granted in the morning.

Such was his announcement, in a very excited voice, but incidentally upon a solemn adjuration to the squire to beware of his temper govern his temper and not be a turncoat. We were present at the head of the supper-table to hear our healths drunk. Sewis spoke like a half-caste oblivious of his training, and of the subjects he was at liberty to touch on as well.

We were now on the great heaths. They brought the memory of my father vividly; the smell of the air half inclined me to turn my steps toward London, I grew so full of longing for him. Nevertheless I resolved to have one gaze at Riversley, my aunt Dorothy, and Sewis, the old grey-brown butler, and the lamb that had grown a sheep; wonderful contrasts to my grand kings of England career.

Richmond; Benjamin Sewis, an old half-caste butler; various domestic servants; and a little boy, christened Harry Lepel Richmond, the squire's grandson.

He wore the aspect of one who assumes a forced composure under the infliction of outrages on his character in a Court of Law, where he must of necessity listen and lock his boiling replies within his indignant bosom. 'Now, Sewis, now my horsewhip, he remarked, as if it had been a simple adjunct of his equipment. 'Your hat, sir? 'My horsewhip, I said.

A renewal of his clamour for immediate attention fell on the squire's ear, amazing him to stupefaction at such challengeing insolence. 'Hand me my breeches, he called to Sewis; 'I can't think brisk out of my breeches. Sewis held the garment ready.

She handed him to Sewis on the stairs, keeping his fingers for an instant to kiss them: after which, old Sewis, the lord of the pantry, where all sweet things were stored, deposited him on the floor of the hall, and he found himself facing the man of the night.

A sore spirit on my father's behalf kept me alive to any insult of him; and feeling that we were immeasurably superior to the Beltham blood, I merely said, apart to old Sewis, shrugging my shoulders, 'The squire expects me to recollect where I was born. I'm not likely to forget his nonsense.