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"Take that man to the door, and let no harm be done to him," said Lady Beltham proudly and authoritatively. "He is free." Without a word, or sign, or glance, Gurn went out of the room, and Walter followed behind him to obey his mistress's command. Once more alone in the great hall, Lady Beltham waited nervously to hear the sound of the park gate closing behind Gurn.

Her face was burning; she would gladly have gone out, but the squire refused to permit it, and she nodded over her crossed hands, saying that she was in no hurry. 'Ha! I am, quoth he. 'Dear Miss Beltham ! my father ejaculated solicitously. 'Here, sir, oblige me by attending to me, cried the squire, fuming and blinking. 'I sent for you on a piece of business.

In vain did Lady Beltham make every effort to rouse the actor and induce him to go away; in vain were all her frantic appeals to him to fly. "I will stay," was all he said, and he dropped heavily on the sofa by Lady Beltham's side, and mechanically tried to put his arm round her. "Listen!" she began, freeing herself from him: "in heavens name you must And yet, I cannot tell you!

"You need have no fear of that," the clergyman replied in the same low tone. "The rumour that got about when the crime was first discovered, that Lord Beltham had been surprised in an intrigue and killed in revenge, has not won acceptance.

My father never let any of his daughters marry, if he could help it, nor'll I, bar rascals. Here's to you, young Squire Beltham. Harry Lepel Beltham does that suit ye? Anon, anon, as they say in the play. Take my name, and drop the Richmond no, drop the subject: we'll talk of it by-and-by.

You got this money through a gentleman, a solicitor, named Bannerbridge, did you? 'His name was Bannerbridge, Mr. Beltham. 'Dorothy, you knew a Mr. Bannerbridge? She faltered: 'I knew him.... Harry was lost in the streets of London when he was a little fellow, and the Mr. Bannerbridge I knew found him and took him to his house, and was very kind to him. 'What was his Christian name?

Lady Beltham must, indeed, have been generous and have made the man perfectly easy on the score of his own future. "In one of the pockets of the clothes," Nibet went on, "I have put ten hundred-franc notes; you asked for more, but I could not raise it: we can settle that some other time." Gurn made no comment. "When will my escape be discovered?" he asked.

And William away, I 'm distracted, and the Admiralty's hair's on end if he stops. And, 'deed, Miss Beltham, I'm not more than married to just half a husband. The captain echoed her, 'Half! but happy enough for twenty whole ones, if you'll be satisfied, my duck. Julia piteously entreated me, for my future wife's sake, not to take service under Government.

Owing to a rascal of the genus, incontinent in liquor, I have this night walked seven miles from Ewling. My complaint against him is not on my own account. 'What brought you here at all? 'Can you ask me? 'I ask you what brought you to my house at all? 'True, I might have slept at Ewling. 'Why didn't you? 'For the reason, Mr. Beltham, which brought me here originally.

My father, advancing, perceived me, and almost taking the squire into his affectionate salutation, said: 'Nothing could be more opportune than your arrival, Mr. Beltham. The squire rejoined: 'I wanted to see you, Mr. Richmond; and not in public. 'I grant the private interview, sir, at your convenience. Janet went up to General Goodwin.