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We have not yet heard of his death; perhaps he is still alive. In the very church where their bodies are, he has vowed his whole life to religious service. We rejoiced in his restoration, we left him in service." Serm. 286. vid. also 318. The third passage will be found in the ninth book of St.

Vol. II. Serm. "It seems a presumption to say of dim notices about the unseen world, 'they only mean this or that, as if one had ascended into the third heaven, or had stood before the throne of God. No; I see herein a deep mystery, a hidden truth, which I cannot handle or define, shining 'as jewels at the bottom of the great deep, darkly and tremulously, yet really there.

'They shall see God'. What this is we cannot tell you, nor can you conceive it: but walk heavenwards in purity, and long to be there, where you shall know what it means: 'for you shall know him as he is'. We say; "Now I see the full meaning, force and beauty of a passage, we see them through the words." Ib. p. 63. Serm.

Ap. Stob. Serm. Laert. According to Clinton's chronology, viz., one year after the legislation of Draco. This emendation of dates formerly received throws considerable light upon the causes of the conspiracy, which perhaps took its strength from the unpopularity and failure of Draco's laws. Following the very faulty chronology which pervades his whole work, Mr.

Ib. p. 293. This therefore is mainly to be studied, that the seat of humility be the heart. Alas! this is a most delicate and difficult subject: and the safest way, and the only safe general rule is the silence that accompanies the inward act of looking at the contrast in all that is of our own doing and impulse! So may praises be made their own antidote. Vol. III. p. 20. Serm.

How is it, then, that our Blessed Lord, when surrounded by an innumerable multitude, began, first of all, to warn His disciples against hypocrisy, as though they were in especial danger of becoming like those base deceivers the Pharisees? Thus an instructive subject is opened to our consideration, which I will now pursue. Vol. I. Serm.

It is true we must not be careless about drawing it when there is any in it, because at that time it is the will of God to multiply our virtues by means thereof. Ch. x. section 1. Vide St. Bernard, in Cantic. Serm. 30. n. 7, ed. Ben. Ch. xiii. section 23. See ch. xv. section 17.

And to the fearless nothing is frightful; as Scripture says, 'Their blows are like the arrows of a child." Serm. contr. Auxent. Mention is made in this extract of the Psalmody which Ambrose adopted about this time.

Serm. 25. St. Gregory Nazianzen says the same thing: "We have bid farewell to contentious deviations of doctrine, and compensations on either side, neither Sabellianizing nor Arianizing. These are the sports of the evil one, who is a bad arbiter of our matters.

It was so in the ancient world it will be so with England and France. The harvest of novels is, I fear, a sign of the approaching exhaustion of the soil. See chapter i. Attributed also to Thales; Stob. Serm. His skill in meteorology made him foresee that there would be one season an extraordinary crop of olives.