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"Vid dis apologie for the maniere, I vill now say dat, helas! Monsieur Simpson ave guess but de too true. Need I say de more? Helas! am I not ready speak de too moshe? This noble spirited note I kissed a million times, and committed, no doubt, on its account, a thousand other extravagances that have now escaped my memory. Still Talbot would not return.

It is de ladies who do cheer but not inebriate, and, derefore, vid all homage to de dear sex, de toast dat I have to propose is, "De Ladies! God bless dem all!" From "Tom Jones" In the first row of the first gallery did Mr. Jones, Mrs. Miller, her youngest daughter, and Partridge, take their places. Partridge immediately declared it was the finest place he had ever been in.

Den I look at you, so big, vid de beautiful red hair, an' de kin' face, an' I sink he vood let me see how dey do such tings he vas nice fellow, if he vas all mud on de clothes. Si, for I know nice fellow, do I not, amigo? Si, bueno. So you vill show to me how de brav' Americanos dig out de yellow gold, señor?"

"Vy, Lort Cornvallis to be sure a very fat yong nobeman, vid red hair: he squints a little, and svears dreadfully." "There's no Lord Cornvallis here," said one; and there was a pause. "Stop! I have it," says that odious Bunting. "IT MUST BE STUBBS!" And "Stubbs! Stubbs!" every one cried out, while I was so busy at my book as not to hear a word.

Sudden as was its rise, as sudden was its fall; till the terrible Zingis, descending on the Turkish dynasties, like an avalanche, coöperated effectually with the Crusaders and finished their work; and if Jerusalem was not protected from other enemies, at least Constantinople was saved, and Europe was placed in security, for three hundred years. Gibbon. Vid. Dow's Hindostan. Caldecott's Baber.

You have been faithful to the end. You have stood your vigil unflinchingly. You have followed the call of Eta Bita Pie over every obstacle and through every suffering." "Aye ban following him leetle furder, if Aye had ladder," said Ole in a bloodthirsty voice. "Ven Aye ban getting at yu, Aye play hal vid yu Baked Pies!"

Several of the sailors gathered around him, and made antic grimaces, pointing their fingers at him and swearing, so that Dunn began to be alarmed by the incomprehensible earnestness of their gibberish, turned pale, and retreated several steps, to the infinite amusement of those upon the wharf. "Vat 'e do, ah, you vant 'im? Vat you do vid 'im ven zu gets him, ah?

Kling cleared the air with his fat hands as the boy made for the door, and turned to his visitor once more. "Dot boy make me deaf vid his noise like a fire-engine! Now, vunce more. Vat shall I do vid dis image?" "I give it up," observed the stranger, passing his hand over the head and down its side. "I am not very much on saints wooden ones, I mean. He seems a good deal out of place here.

For vy should I take oil for a motor-boat up country? You are playing games vid me?" "Of course not. He's not going by motor-boat, but by aeroplane." "Oho! Tell dat to the marines." "Hang it, Van Kloof, listen without interrupting. Mr. Smith has come by aeroplane from London, and is going on at once. Give me the key of your store, and we'll go and get the stuff ourselves."

I-I reckon yer b-b-better walk fer a ways, as the p-pony will step lighter." "I not care, señor," softly. "Eet be nice to valk; I nevah 'fraid vid you." Brown led the way forward cautiously across the open space, one strong hand firm on the pony's bit, the other barely touching her dress as though it were something sacred.