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"Let me see," said the inspector, as if calling on his memory to perform a reluctant task. "It was a diamond scarf-pin and a gold watch. Lord Melhurst had come home after a good day at Epsom and a late supper in town. Next morning he missed his scarf-pin and his watch. He thought he had been robbed at Epsom or in town.

It was Flanagan, dressed in a loud check suit, with a stick-up collar and a horseshoe scarf-pin with cloth "spats" over his boots, and cuffs that projected at least two inches from the ends of his coat sleeves. I felt so shabby and disreputable that I was tempted to turn tail and escape.

'Father, six feet one inch in height, hatchet-faced, grey hair and whiskers, deep-set eyes, heavy brows, round shoulders. Son, five feet ten, dark-faced, black eyes, black curly hair, strongly made, legs rather bandy, well dressed, usually wears a dog's head scarf-pin. That ought to do!" "Yes, that's near enough," observed the major. "Wire to every station along the line to be on the look-out.

"Well, I set to work on the old claim with my boy Harry and half a dozen Kaffirs to help me, which, seeing that I had put nearly all my worldly wealth into it, was the least that I could do. And we worked, my word, we did work early and late we went at it but never a bit of gold did we see; no, not even a nugget large enough to make a scarf-pin out of.

"Have you taken her temperature?" he said, businesslike and erect. "Ninety-eight." "Her pulse is strong?" "Yes; she's resting quietly." "Good. And did you get my note?" This, much as if he had said, "Did you find my scarf-pin?" or anything merely casual; for Liz was hovering near. "Yes." The nurse's red lips were trembling, but she smiled up at him. Liz came nearer.

"'I don't understand Parsee, sir, said I. "'That was no foreign tongue; that was American with a brogue. I don't like that. Let's hurry them up. I say, what time is it? "We reached for our watches. They were gone! Instinctively I felt for my wallet. Gone! My scarf-pin. Gone! "We made a wild rush for the little inner room. "Miss de Dear? Gone! And the Parsee? Gone!

"And you wouldn't like him to run against a snag, would you?" "What do you mean? Has anything happened to worry him?" He had stopped just beyond the nearest side entrance to the Square, and he stood now, with his eyes on the automobiles before the City Hall, while he fingered thoughtfully the ornamental scarf-pin in his green and purple tie. "There's always more or less to worry him, ain't there?"

The skipper shook his head, and in his turn took stock of the other man a good-looking fellow with a waxed black moustache, a light silk tie and a massive scarf-pin. A frock-coat hung about his knees, and shoes of the lightest brown called attention to his small feet. Another quarter of an hour passed. "Wet day," said the skipper, by way of starting the conversation again.

The other was a scarf-pin made of gold, the head of which consisted of a Maltese cross, of very rich and elegant design. In the middle was black enamel inclosed by a richly chased gold border, and at the intersection of the bars was a small diamond of great splendor.

"Why no, it is a misfortune, not a crime. You don't do it on purpose, you see, and in fact I think the loser generally feels worse than the one the thing belongs to. What have you lost? Not my favorite scarf-pin, I hope. Have you been using it to pin rags around your doll?" "Oh, Uncle Dick, of course I haven't. I was only asking, just because I wanted to know." "As a seeker after ethical truths.