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"Well," and he smiled, "do you still commit infidelities to me with a false me?" "I do not understand." "Do you receive, at night, the visit of the incubus which resembles me?" "No. Since I have been able to possess you in the flesh I have no need to evoke your image." "What a downright Satanist you are!" "Maybe. I have been so constantly associated with priests."

Deliberately vulgar he never is, though he sports with things hallowed, and always goes out of his way to insult the religion he first professed. There is in this Satanist a religious fond; the very fierceness of his attacks, of his blasphemies, betrays the Catholic at heart. If he did not believe, why should he have displayed such continual scorn?

These are the words of Browning, and his question has well been answered by the institution of the secret workshops and the secret laboratory; as in most other cases England has helped herself, unless, indeed, it should occur to the doctor that the poet was a Satanist, like Pike, who himself was a poet, and had a chief finger in the pie.

"Since it is difficult to be a saint," said Des Hermies, "there is nothing for it but to be a Satanist. One of the two extremes. 'Execration of impotence, hatred of the mediocre, that, perhaps, is one of the more indulgent definitions of Diabolism." "Perhaps. One can take pride in going as far in crime as a saint in virtue. And that expresses Gilles de Rais exactly."

No man was ever unconscious of another's presence or even indifferent to another's opinion. The lady who is said to have boasted her indifference to being naked before male slaves was showing off or she meant something different. The lord who fed fishes by killing a slave was indulging in what most cannibals indulge in a satanist affectation.

An interviewer has represented M. Huysman as stating that his information was derived from a person who was himself a Satanist, but the revelations disturbed the sect, and the communication ceased, though the author had originally been welcomed "as one of their own."

The doctor informs us that China is the gate of Hell, and that all its inhabitants are born damned; child-like and bland in appearance, the Chinaman is invariably by disposition a Satanist, having tastes wholly diabolical. As to the religion of Buddha, it is simply Satanism

All kinds of murderous and sadistic follies can be covered with the antique and pious mantle of exorcism." "Let us be just," said Carhaix. "The Satanist would not be complete if he were not an abominable hypocrite." "Hypocrisy and pride are perhaps the most characteristic vices of the perverse priest," suggested Durtal.

After his death, it is said to have unmasked altogether, and Adriano Lemmi himself is depicted as an avowed Satanist.

During the course of the conjuring this personage held the doctor by a certain meaning glance of his glittering eye, and when all was over the latter had a private information that Sata desired to speak with him. The naïve mind of the doctor regarded the name as significant in view of his mission; Sata was assuredly a Satanist.