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Mr. Huysman and Mr. Hardy exchanged glances. "That drawer does contain papers of value," said Mr. Huysman, "but I'll see that they're put to-day in a place into which no thief can break." "And it would perhaps be well for young Mr. Lennox also to keep himself in a safe place," said Mr. Hervey, who had spent the night too in Mr. Huysman's house.

The doctrine of Lucifer has been tersely described by Huysman as a kind of reversed Christianity a Catholicism

He must and would find another way; but his decision was frightfully hampered by lack of ready money; the few odd francs in his pocket were no store for the war-chest demanded by this emergency. True, he had the Omber jewels; but they were not negotiable not at least in Paris. And the Huysman plans? He pondered briefly the possibilities of the Huysman plans.

An interviewer has represented M. Huysman as stating that his information was derived from a person who was himself a Satanist, but the revelations disturbed the sect, and the communication ceased, though the author had originally been welcomed "as one of their own."

Merrill was made as happy as possible by a bright smile, a real hand-clasp instead of the usual Society paw-waggle, and instructions to go and make himself agreeable and useful. Brenda also received a hearty "shake" Nitocris did not believe in kissing in public and when the Professor and Mrs Huysman had gone in, she whispered: "I suppose that's the Prince's brougham.

Doubtless you haf saved the life of young Master Lennox, which was the task set for you to do. But it iss not enough. You may haf to save it a second und yet a third time." The pale blue eyes of Peter glistened. Obviously he liked his present task much better than the doing of chores. "You can trust me, Mynheer Huysman," he said importantly. "I will guard him, and I will do more.

She tossed it down on the grass, and sat down again without a word, quaking with many inward emotions, but outwardly as calm as ever. What Professor van Huysman said to himself when he saw this will be better left to himself.

In order to appreciate his deliberations and their result, it will be necessary to say that Professor Hoskins van Huysman was one of the most distinguished physicists in America, and he had also gained distinction in applied mathematics. In addition to this, he was the inventor of many marvellous contrivances for the demonstration and measurement of the more obscure physical forces.

"Yes, you are right as usual, Niti," he exclaimed, getting up. "Now you go and think about it all, and give me your advice in the morning. I want to get away now and work out an intelligible solution of those three problems if I can make it so for the benefit of Van Huysman and the rest of my respected critics. When I've done that, we'll be off to the Continent or somewhere "

Then we can decide upon our next step." Robert was too active to stay quietly at the house of Mr. Huysman. Only their host, Tayoga and he were present at their supper that evening, and, as the man was rather silent, the lads respected his preoccupation, believing that he was concerned with the great affairs in which he was having a part.