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They all came and looked at it, and sai 'ow nice it was even 'e was a bit softer like to see it, and all he said was, 'It's a pity you can't always work like that, then you might get something definite to do, he says. "'Yes, I says I couldn't 'elp it 'I put a lot in that rockery, I says, like that. See? 'I put a lot in that rockery' meaning " "I see," said I for Mr.

A West-end cut is not achieved, but for flannels, light tweeds and all such clothes as are worn in the tropics, they are very passable. "Boy." "Sai." "Talkee that tailor-man four o'clock come. Wantchee new clothes." At four o'clock the tailor is there with a bundle of patterns from which you select a thin serge and a white flannel, and order a suit of each.

This conduct so enraged the king, that when he returned from Maniana, about the beginning of the rainy season, and found the Dooty protected by the inhabitants, he sat down before Sai with his army, and surrounded the town with the trenches I had now seen.

We have already noticed it in the case of Tasso's 'Or, non sai tu com' è fatta la donna? and of the words in which Corisca describes her changes of lovers, to say nothing of its appearance at the close of the Orfeo.

He was an oldish man, of fifty-five years perhaps, with a face as dried and weather-beaten as the leather beneath his saddle. He may have been glad to see her but his only sign of greeting was a "sai" and a nod to include us both. Her pleasure was undisguised, however, and as we rode down the valley she chattered volubly between the business of driving in half a dozen horses and a herd of sheep.

I cannot believe, even cannot I fight. Worthless dreamer! My deserts. It's a good way out." "Boy." "Sai." "S'pose Mr. Forrester bym-by come, you talkee he, master no got, you chin-chin he come-back." "Can do." The long-coated boy scuffed away, across the chunam floor, and disappeared in the darkness.

The eyes, which are black, are full of curiosity and mistrust; and one seen in captivity except when in the arms of its owner shrank back and trembled with fear, while its teeth chattered, and it uttered a tremulous, frightened tone, at the approach of a stranger. The most attractive little creatures in the American forests are the capucins, the best-known of which is the Sai capucinus.

In the centre of the room stood a small, deal table, on the opposite side of which sat the man who had answered my letter. At one end of the table, poised upon the back of a chair, sat a small Capucin monkey of the Weeper or Sai species. He watched the man with that sober, judicial air which is by no means confined exclusively to supreme benches. I, too, observed the man carefully.

The work of Sur Das was of special importance for in one of his compositions he took each of the thirty-six traditional modes of Indian music-the Ragas and Raginis but instead of celebrating them as separate 'musical characters, appended to each a love-poem about Krishna. Of these poets Bihari Lai is famous for the Sat Sai in which he celebrated Krishna's romance in seven hundred verses.

Mr. Barrow observed these curious effects of sands in the southern part of Africa, on the banks of the Orange River. Near the Vuelta de Basilio, where we landed to collect plants, we saw on the top of a tree two beautiful little monkeys, black as jet, of the size of the sai, with prehensile tails. Our Indians themselves had never seen any that resembled them.