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He found himself quite willing to let the affair with Ricker go, and he suspected that he had been needlessly virtuous in his intentions concerning church-going and beer. As to Marcia, it appeared to him that he could not treat a woman of her disposition otherwise than as he did.

I don't pretend to be any better than the public. Nor any worse," he added, stroking his dog. These ideas struck Bartley in their accordance with his own ideas of journalism, as he had propounded them to Ricker. He had drunk half of his hot-scotch. "That's what I say," assented the little man. "All that a theatre has got to do is to keep even with the public."

"Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown! Run down hill with me where you will be quite safe," said Fox Lox. "That I will!" cried Gander Lander. So they ran and they ran and they ran. Soon they met Turk Lurk. "The sky is tumbling down, Turk Lurk!" cried Gander Lander. "Who told you, Gander Lander?"

"I understand," said Mr. Ricker. "When I was about twenty-two years old our vessel was wrecked and I, the only one saved, was cast ashore on a cannibal island or, to be more correct ethnologically, an island inhabited by cannibals.

But perhaps you don't intend to choose the same weapons." Ricker pulled down the green-lined pasteboard peak that he wore over his forehead by gaslight, and hitched his chair round to his desk again, and Maxwell knew that he was authorized to do the work.

The club has grown into something much more splendid and expensive; but it was then content with a dinner certainly as bad as Ricker promised, but fabulously modest in price, at an old-fashioned hotel, whose site was long ago devoured by a dry-goods palace.

He found that this fact, which he had doubtfully confided to Ricker, was not offensive to some of the Events people who were there; one of them got him aside, and darkly owned to him that Witherby was doing everything that any one man could to kill the Events, and that in fact the counting-room was running the paper.

Bartley did not answer, and Ricker went on: "Well, then, you can understand my position, when I say it's exactly the contrary." "You ought to be on a religious newspaper, Ricker," said Bartley with a scornful laugh. "Thank you, a secular paper is bad enough for me." "Well, I don't pretend that I make the Events just what I want," said Bartley.

Ricker, "washens, scrubben, work by the day or Our," as the sign of her own lettering announced, had come into a little fortune by the death of her first husband, Al Kitton, early divorced and late repentant.

Ricker and Kitton was saying in awe, "Nobody in Friendship ever had this many flowers, dead, or alive, or rich." Ricker and Kitton received even this suggestive token with simple-hearted delight. "It'll look lovely on the lamp shelf," she observed. "I've often planned how nice my parlour'd trim up for a funeral."