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"Chick, chicker chack, chack," cried the monkey; and turning sharply, he gave Billy's detaining hand a nip with his teeth, sharply enough to make the man utter an exclamation and let go, when the monkey leaped on to the bulwark, seized a rope, and went up it hand over hand in a quadrumanous manner to a height that he considered safe, and there held on and hung, looking down at the dog, chattering volubly the while.

Why, I'm blessed if he ain't asleep!" muttered Peter. "Well, so much the better. Now I'm going to see if I can't get out; and if that beggar hears me I must try and gammon him. Wonder whether I can come that chicker, chicker, chick, chack, chack, chack, like one of them big monkeys. I did manage to imitate it pretty fairly time back when I teased that one as Captain Down used to make a pet of.

"That I will!" cried Goose Loose. So they ran and they ran and they ran. Soon they met Gander Lander. "The sky is tumbling down, Gander Lander!" cried Goose Loose. "Who told you, Goose Loose?" "Oh, Drake Lake!" "Who told you, Drake Lake?" "Oh, Duck Luck!" "Who told you, Duck Luck?" "Oh, Cock Lock!" "Who told you, Cock Lock?" "Oh, Hen Ren!" "Who told you, Hen Ren?" "Oh, Chicker Ricker!"

"Who told you, Drake Lake?" "Oh, Duck Luck!" "Who told you, Duck Luck?" "Oh, Cock Lock!" "Who told you, Cock Lock?" "Oh, Hen Ren!" "Who told you, Hen Ren?" "Oh, Chicker Ricker!" "Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown! Run down hill with me where you will be quite safe," said Fox Lox.

Run down hill with me where you will be quite safe," said Fox Lox. "That I will!" cried Hen Ren. So they ran and they ran and they ran. Soon they met Cock Lock. "The sky is tumbling down, Cock Lock!" cried Hen Ren. "Who told you, Hen Ren?" "Oh, Chicker Ricker!" "Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown!

Once upon a time hungry Fox Lox was prowling about under a great tree on the hillside, when a chestnut burr fell thump upon his head. "Ah!" said cunning Fox Lox, "by this I will get a fine dinner." Just then along came Chicker Ricker. "Oh, run down hill with me where you will be quite safe, Chicker Ricker," cried Fox Lox, "for the sky is surely tumbling down!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?"

"Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown!" "Then I will run down hill with you," cried Chicker Ricker. So they ran and they ran and they ran. Soon they met Hen Ren. "The sky is tumbling down, Hen Ren!" cried Chicker Ricker. "Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown!

"Oh, Chicker Ricker!" "Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown! Run down hill with me where you will be quite safe," said Fox Lox. "That I will!" cried Drake Lake. So they ran and they ran and they ran. Soon they met Goose Loose. "The sky is tumbling down, Goose Loose!" cried Drake Lake.

"Oh, Duck Luck!" "Who told you, Duck Luck?" "Oh, Cock Lock!" "Who told you, Cock Lock?" "Oh, Hen Ren!" "Who told you, Hen Ren?" "Oh, Chicker Ricker!" "Who told you, Chicker Ricker?" "Oh, Fox Lox!" "Who told you, Fox Lox?" "Oh, I heard it and I felt it and it came thump upon my crown! Run down hill with me where you will be quite safe," said Fox Lox. "That I will!" cried Dove Love.

So they ran and they ran and they ran; and when Chicker Ricker and Hen Ren and Cock Lock and Duck Luck and Drake Lake and Goose Loose and Gander Lander and Turk Lurk and Dove Love reached the bottom of the hill, they were going so fast that they could not stop and they ran straight into Fox Lox's hole. "Now I have you! Now I have you!" cried Fox Lox. And he gobbled them all up.