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See ante, ii. 227. 'Fortunam reverenter habe, quicumque repente Dives ab exili progrediere loco. Ausonius, Epigrammata, viii. 7. A lively account of Quin is given in Humphry Clinker, in the letters of April 30 and May 6. See ante, i. 216. A few days earlier Garrick wrote to a friend: 'I did not hear till last night that your friends have generously contributed to your and their own happiness.

Ipse barbaros mores tuos Christiana religione composuit...." Bk. v, ch. xliii. "Ipso quoque rege super cathedram regalem, scilicet, lapidem, sedente, sub cujus pedibus comites ceterique nobiles sua vestimenta coram lapide curvatis genibus sternebant. Qui lapis in eodem monasterio reverenter ob regum Albaniae consecrationem servatur.

Garrick's fame, and his assuming the airs of a great man . JOHNSON. 'Sir, it is wonderful how little Garrick assumes. No, Sir, Garrick fortunam reverenter habet . Consider, Sir: celebrated men, such as you have mentioned, have had their applause at a distance; but Garrick had it dashed in his face, sounded in his ears, and went home every night with the plaudits of a thousand in his cranium.

Garrick's fame, and his assuming the airs of a great man. JOHNSON. 'Sir, it is wonderful how LITTLE Garrick assumes. No, Sir, Garrick fortunam reverenter habet.

It would seem incredible that this enormous canvas should have been executed at such an age, did we not know that when the pest cut the mighty master off in his hundredth year he was busily at work upon a Descent from the Cross, which Palma the Elder finished on his knees and dedicated to God: Quod Titianus inchoatum reliquit Palma reverenter absolvit Deoque dicavit opus.

The Council of Trent seems to exact this attention when it wishes that the Divine Office be said reverently, distinctly and devoutly, reverenter, distincte, devote. 5. If no internal attention be required in reciting the Hours, it is difficult to see how voluntary distractions are forbidden by Divine Law.